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Training Citizenship and Intercultural Education: methods and resources for adult learning

The project is aimed at developing a set of curricula for the training of thetrainers/educators involved n the field of citizenship and intercultural education in 5European countries (Italy, Bulgaria, Portugal, Romania and Spain). This set will becreated through the European exchange of best practice already developed in this field.In particular, training curricula for educators in formal and informal contexts, such asteachers of primary and secondary schools, university professors, trainers of sportassociations/clubs, educators and social workers working in NGOs will be developed.A needs analysis of the target groups in the partner countries will be undertaken.Through the analysis of the literature and the exchange of best practice a set of trainingresources will be selected. On the basis of this resources 6 training modules addressedto different target group will be developed, focusing on: (a) the importance of thecitizenship in the intercultural education; (b) social and psychological processesaffecting intercultural and interethnic relationships; (c) European citizenship and thedevelopment of European identity; (d) techniques for promoting citizenship to youngpeople; (e) methods to face discrimination, social exclusion and marginalization; (f)methods and tools for the evaluation of the interventions; (g) techniques and tools forproject designing and fund-searching. The modules will be based on the sametheoretical principles and methodological approach, promoting the use of ICT and WBL.They will be field tested and evaluated in each country of the partnership with a sampleof 420 people belonging to the different target groups. The results of the testing and theevaluation will be used to improve the set of curricula, that will be published in electronicbook (in pdf), in a manual and DVD.

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