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Bildung: Bouwen aan goed onderwijs in de 21ste eeuw
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project consists of training / courses in Science and Enterprising education with practical assignments during schoolvisits. The 21st learning skills and use of ICT resources as sub objectives. 1. Education to become a Science and Technology Specialist - The “IPABO” teacher training, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with Agora are developing an education to become a Science and Technology Specialist. As a part of this education the subject Study Visit Good Practice (EU Country) is included with training /courses 2. Entrepreneurial learning - Exclusively intended for new and young teachers who need to make entrepreneurial learning and storyline approach a part of their skillset whilst working at a school within Agora. Training/courses Storyline Approach - The activities would mainly be composed in the form of training/courses, with assignments during schoolvisits abroad and exchanging our knowledge and experiences with our foreign colleagues. - Within Agora Professional learning communities (PLC) have been formed for all their existing learning domains. Within these PLC’s teachers and schooldirectors are represented. Together they provide informative documentation and research for all the employees of Agora. - The estimated gains are: Motivation, inspiration, extending our knowledge, making new contacts with foreign colleagues and the realization of projects between students in the UK. - The long term gains would be recorded in the Educational Domains by the Professional Learning Communities (PLC). Participants
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