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22 European Projects Found

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Smart Grid Technology - A Master Programme

Start date: Oct 15, 2016, End date: Oct 14, 2019,

The three-year SGT-MAP aims at development of a master program in smart grid technology through the collaboration between a consortium consists of 4 Eg. and 3 EU partners of different fields; Electrical power and control eng., IT eng., communication eng. All the consortium partners contribute in developing and reviewing program 24 courses. The self study report of the developed program will be pr ...
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A shared learning environment for vocational and engineering students is developed, in which project-based learning methodology is implemented targeting both students’ groups in final two years of their academic track. The developed education methodology is expected to yield a new line of industry human capital (engineers and technicians), who are technically and socially competent for professiona ...
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Smart Control Systems for Energy Management: New Master Degree

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

The Middle East countries are going through a period of change where governments are forced to address the need for greater access to economic opportunity. With a challenging economic environment and a growing social demand, governments believe that subsidy reform especially in energy and food might help reconcile social protection and secure fiscal positions. With almost $17 billion spending ever ...
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An interdisciplinary manufacturing/business entrepreneurship continuous learning system is introduced aiming at developing a new line of small-business owners with engineering background grasping in-depth expertise in manufacturing technology with adequate entrepreneurship skills capable of establishing a sustainable small manufacturing business within micro economy spectrum. Although, manufacturi ...
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Youth on the movies

Start date: Jun 25, 2015, End date: Sep 24, 2015,

"Youth on the movies” is a Youth Exchange Programme meant to involve young people from 20 to 30 years old coming from Italy, Turkey, Tunisia and Poland. It will take place in Lecce (south of Italy) from 21 to 28 August 2015. This project whished to give to young people from Euro-Mediterranean region a concrete opportunity to meet and discuss on shared relevant issues, merging all the different per ...
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Mediterranean Innovation and Research Coordination Action (MIRA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Jan 31, 2013,

The present Coordination Action aims at developing the objectives of the INCO-Net MPC action as described in the Call for proposals, to further enhance regional S&T dialogue in the Mediterranean Region and the complementarities with activities carried out by other European Policy instruments, notably the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM). These objectives are focused on creating a dialogue platfor ...
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 FINISHED exercises for a Masters of Engineering in Sound & Vibration for four Egyptian universities. It further includes training of teachers, establishment of a new laboratory for Acoustic Emission at the Arab Academy for Science and Technology and the development of ECTS. The specific objectives are: "• Development of a set of Postgraduate courses intended to teach practical and applied issues relate ...
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L02- Egypt

Start date: Jul 15, 2009,

The FFEEBB project has a long term socio-economical dimension: besides ensuring equal opportunity to all the candidates (gender issue, students from vulnerable groups) it will assist Egyptian Universities to create course on entrepreneurship, to create professionalized curricula and to develop work placements. One of the projects objective's is to develop the Egyptian students employability in the ...
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This project aims at developing and strengthening a specialization in advanced engineering systems focussing on automation, control and mechatronics in Egypt and producing a new generation of engineers capable of performing constructive engineering work in such field to complete the cycle started with two former local TEMPUS projects "MEKATRON-2004" for undergraduate and "DIMPTOT-2005" for trainin ...
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The overall aim of this proposal is to contribute to the sustainable development of Egypt in the field of Higher Education by using mobility flows to improve the career prospects of students and promoting intercultural understanding through institutional cooperation. The development of teaching and learning will occur through the student mobilities. The great variety of thematic fields offered by ...
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MEDASTAR is a project committed to bring opportunities to students from both public and private universities of Egypt and Lebanon, paying attention to develop the capacity of public administrators in Lebanon and unemployed graduate population in Egypt. Gender balance and equal opportunities is enhanced in the project. The particular goal is to promote Science and Technology initiatives in these tw ...
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This project has the acronym ELEMENT which stands for “Egypt-Lebanon-EU Mobility Exchange NeTwork” The consortium consists of ten EU universities spread over eight countries and a good mixture (public/private, large/small) of five Egyptian and five Lebanese universities geographically covering the two countries. The consortium is thus able to offer a wide variety of thematic areas which match the ...
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This project aims at developing and strengthening a specialization in clean Energy and environment in Egypt and producing a new generation of engineers capable of performing constructive engineering work in such field. This shall target postgraduate students and professional engineers in a Masters of science which shall be continuo of its kind in Egypt. The Masters degree developed here will have ...
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This is a regional JEP in Governance Reform involving ten universities in Libya, Morocco, Egypt and Lebanon satisfying the regional priority ‘ University Management and Student Services’ . The wider objective of the project is to demonstrate that good management practices can build sustainable HE cooperation between nations. The project does this by addressing the challenges facing the management ...
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...s proposal. This proposal consists of 20 partners, 10 EU and 10 Lot country partners covering all five Lot countries. The overall aim of this proposal is coherent with the priorities of EMA2. The ‘Arab Spring’ has made it clear that young people are asking for more and better opportunities to study and work; to move about the world; and to learn and to create new knowledge and enterprises. HE mob ...
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The project objective is to design, develop and implement a new curriculum programme in Highway and Traffic Engineering in a joint effort between EU and Mediterranean Universities in line with Bologna requirements. The former will transfer EU best practices, experiences and methodologies according to the Bologna process to support the development and diffusion of an innovative experience in techni ...
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This aim of the project is to develop and implement new curricula of Masters of Engineering in 4 different fields of concentrations of industrial engineering (IE) each adopted by a PC university. Target concentrations include operations management,logistics and supply chain,human factors engineering and Quality.The project aims at establishing and equipping different labs at PC universities to be ...
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The SWING project will create sustainable policies in Universities to enable disabled students to have equal access to learning environments and programmes. Partners will collaborate in the development, selection, procurement and use of accessible IT and accessibility standards that will be available through the Accessibility Centres in Partner Countries (MA, EG). More specifically, the project ...
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This proposal aims at the establishment of a regional Master program in Nanoscale Science and Engineering for postgraduate students from MENA region. The program will be taught in English and will provide the students with up-to-date theoretical and experimental knowledge available for nanoscience and nanotechnology. The development and the delivery of the program will be achieved in close collabo ...
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...s a generalised economic crisis, the situation is particularly difficult in regions with fast-growing population and high unemployment rates, illiteracy and poverty, what would be the case of the Arab region.IP-MED aims to build up IP Law related competences in Mediterranean HEIs to prepare a new generation of practitioners capable to boost innovation and technology transfer in the region with the ...
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This project aims at creating a solid academia-industry integrated diploma for the development and training of technical teachers in Egypt targeting most needed areas, namely mechanical, industrial, electrical and mechatronics to produce a new generation of technical teachers equipped with international standard and industry-oriented technical knowledge, who shall be capable to fulfill Egypt’s imm ...
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