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Promoting Intellectual Property Law Studies in the Mediterranean Region
Start date: Dec 1, 2013,

Intellectual property (IP) management and innovation play an undeniable role in knowledge-based economies, sustainable development and growth; in Europe, this is underlined, i.a., by the ‘Europe 2020 Strategy’.While the world faces a generalised economic crisis, the situation is particularly difficult in regions with fast-growing population and high unemployment rates, illiteracy and poverty, what would be the case of the Arab region.IP-MED aims to build up IP Law related competences in Mediterranean HEIs to prepare a new generation of practitioners capable to boost innovation and technology transfer in the region with the view to support development, employment opportunities and competitiveness. To reach the main objective of the project, a Master Degree programme on International and Comparative Intellectual Property Law for ENPI South universities will be developed. It will be carried out in close cooperation with non-academic sectors of Palestine, Jordan and Egypt and 3 European HEIs skilled in the field. Through this LLM programme strong linkages between national authorities, IP actors and universities in the ENPI South region will be spanned and high quality education in HEIs in IP Law programmes will be enhanced. Complementary to the IP Law studies, an IP Law Web Portal will be set up at the ENPI South target universities to serve as a point of reference in the matter for the HEIs in the region. In addition, a Regional Network of IP Law Practitioners will be created to ensure sustainability of the action, and to boost international cooperation perspectives.
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11 Partners Participants