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Excellence in Nanoscience Education for the MENA Region
Start date: Dec 1, 2013,

This proposal aims at the establishment of a regional Master program in Nanoscale Science and Engineering for postgraduate students from MENA region. The program will be taught in English and will provide the students with up-to-date theoretical and experimental knowledge available for nanoscience and nanotechnology. The development and the delivery of the program will be achieved in close collaboration among the consortium partners from MENA and EU.The program will include core and electives courses covering all important aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology. The program will involve the organization of summer and winter schools as well as internships for the students at national and international companies active in nanotechnology. Innovative and well-defined research projects will be prepared by the consortium partners and then offered to the students for their master’s theses. The students’ theses will be jointly supervised between the EU and MENA scientists. The students will be hosted for short periods at the labs of the EU partners to do part of their experimental works.Part of the requested funding will be allocated to equip and install basic but inexpensive equipment, setups, and tools at the MENA partner universities of this proposal. The installed labs will support the practical training and research activities in nanoscience and nanotechnology at the partner universities.In addition to the planned master program, the consortium partners will also establish an online Nano Academy offering short visual courses for different levels of participants including high school, undergraduate, and postgraduate students as well as teachers and professionals. The activities of the current proposal will definitely raise awareness on the importance of nanoscience and nanotechnology, support the transfer of know-how to the students and scientists from MENA region as well as establish strong and sustainable scientific networks between MENA and EU partners.

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13 Partners Participants