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24 European Projects Found

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Youth Exchages - Welcome!

Start date: Dec 1, 2012,

The partnership-building activity (PBA) “Youth Exchanges - Welcome!” is designed to create a fertile platform for new, and creative ideas on youth exchange projects to be developed in the field of inclusion of young people living in rural and deprived urban areas. The unique 1+1 formula of the PBA will bring together both the representatives of young people themselves (who will be participating in ...
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"IYI-Improvmg the quality of international youth projects" is a training course, which aims to aims to improve quality of the international youth projects by providing to project organisers the skills, knowledge's and tools to manage the process of defining, preparing, implementing and evaluating projects within the Youth in Action Programme. During 9 days, 36 participants coming from 10 EU and SE ...
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The project DRAMA TOOLS FOR INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE AND ACTIVE PARTICIPATION is a training course written for 3.1 action.The project will take place in Buzau , Romania for 6 days and involves 37 participants from 24 countries from 28 organizations from Europe .There will be youngsters and youth leaders from France , Germany , Italy other EU countries , from all EECA countries and also from Serbia , ...
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This Training Course aims at facilitation of two processes – one being increasing the competencies of participants over local and international volunteer project management, the second – promotion of European Voluntary Service.Both local and international volunteer projects are complex actions that need to ensure effective planning, implementation and management in order to be well done, achieve a ...
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Why not-What matters!

Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

This Partnership Building Activity that we are going to host in the city of Jajce in the middle Bosnia has an objective to motivate young people to become active citizens in their community through voluntarism. The PBA will give the opportunity to the young people to share their knowledge, learning new useful methods in achieving the best from the voluntary work among the young people with differ ...
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Minorities for Inclusion

Start date: Jan 1, 2012,

The training course aims to give to youth workers, volunteers and community leaders, concrete tools how to work together with minorities in order to empower them and actively involve them in youth activities and actions. This shall promote and foster their active citizenship. In achieving this is required to develop, and further improve the skills of working in a multicultural background, building ...
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The project consists in a training course that will be hosted by Roma Active Albania in Durres, Albania on February 3d – 10th, 2012. It will gather 30 participants from 15 countries, aged 18 to 30 years old.The training will have three main fronts:- exploring the concept of culture diversity and the effect that this diversity has in the life of thousand of European citizens;- promotion of intercul ...
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Rural Rebuilding

Start date: Mar 1, 2012,

There has been a shift amongst human society away from natural environments and towards a social one (Environment in this sense being the external factors, geographical, social and cultural, that an individual interacts with in their daily lives). Farmers have replaced dogs and horses with tractors and quadbikes, fishermen have swapped sails and starcharts for turbines and GPS and for the first ti ...
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YiA in Sharp Action

Start date: Mar 10, 2012,

“YiA in Sharp Action” will bring together 24 selected participants from six countries (Croatia, Romania, Italy, Albania, Turkey and Serbia) for 6 days training course in Prijepolje, Serbia, in order to exchange ideas and practices, as well as develop future projects together.The main objective of this Training Course is to provide participants with the competences required in order to make use of ...
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To support the creation of stable cooperation between youth NGO’s and the communities in which they work that lead to more young people taking part in public life in their communities, the planned TC “Youth Caravan 2012 – Promoting Youth Participation in Europe’’ will give its participants the necessary knowledge and set of practical skills to promote youth participation, civic activism and volunt ...
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Human Rights Re-Action

Start date: Aug 15, 2012,

The Training Course “Human Rights Re-Action” aims to develop the capacity of 24 youth workers in the area of Human Rights by focusing on knowledge, skills and attitude, with a strong multiplying effect by developing the skills of a HR Educator. The project will strengthen the ability to React on HR violation situations and Act in terms of understanding, promoting and protecting the rights. The ag ...
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The Training Course MAKE THE DIFFERENCE THROUGH AND IN VOLUNTEERING aims at discovering new ways to express ideals of equal opportunities and to give young people competences to have active role in our society through and in volunteering. The project idea is to give the right and necessary space to young people for a wide exchange of different visions, approaches, experiences and intercultural bac ...
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"You SEE" is a Training Course (8 working days) that responding to todays' crisis aims to enable the development of entrepreneurial skills of youth leaders and workers, volunteers and peer educators to undertake initiatives and support other young people in their searching for job opportunities.The project will take place in Palermo, Italy and will involve 40 participants coming from different Eur ...
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The YE "Reillustrating Europe 2.0: Cartoons & graphics fighting racism and xenophobia" will talking about cartoons and graphics about stereotypes related to neighboring countries, a very fine line is drawn between what is still perceived to be funny and what becomes just the subversive way of spreading stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination. Through analyzing their own , participants will disc ...
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Go For Green

Start date: Aug 1, 2013,

The project “Go For Green” will be realized in Shaki, Azerbaijan from the 8’th to the 14’th of September 2013, being a multilateral youth exchange that will bring together groups from Turkey, Georgia, Romania, Spain, Ukraine, Czech Republic and Moldova.This project will involve 40 people, aged between 18 and 25 years, 4 youngsters + 1 leader from each country, fulfilling gender balance condition.V ...
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Different kinds of abuses along with more banal injustices, like slapping a girlfriend or paying women less for their work, arise out of a social context in which women are, often, second-class citizens. That’s a context that our societies have helped shape, and not pushed hard to change. Women are prevented from playing a full and equal role in many fields, creating an environment in which violat ...
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My Decision - Europe is ON!

Start date: Dec 1, 2013,

It is our deep conviction that the ideas, energies and voices of young women and men are vital for the development of any society. Only permanent educational and informational work, along with personal attitude and activism of an individual can lead to the creation of stable cooperation between all the relevant factors within a society and in the end, lead to change in that society. In order to bu ...
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We Are Together

Start date: Dec 5, 2013,

The project "We Are Together" aims to promote tolerance and solidarity among people and cooperation in the youth field. 36 young people from six different countries (Georgia, Romania, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Spain) will gather in Telavi, Georgia, in order to overcome stereotypes and discrimination practices thought gaining theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Presentations, lecture ...
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3D "Discovery.Diversity.Development."

Start date: Dec 10, 2013,

This YE will be hosted by Moldovan NGO CDIR and is going to bring together 40 young people (16-25 y.o.) from various social, cultural and ethno-racial background from 8 countries for 8 days and will provide them with social tools and skills which could help the participants to raise the awareness of their own identity and culture; to cross borders to other traditions, languages and mentalities ...
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This Youth Exchange will be placed in Tirana, Albania from 5 to 13 April 2014. The organizations which will be part are from : Albania, Macedonia,Bosnia and Herzegovina , Kosovo, Serbia , Greece, Spain , Denmark Finland, Romania, Turkey. JEF Albania will be the host organization. There will be 44 young people and 11 group leaders(55 participants )The main theme of our project is the promotion ...
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Dream it, Wish it, Do it!

Start date: Mar 1, 2014,

Youth Exchange 'Dream it, Wish it, Do it! ' aims to break the borders preventing young people become more creative and develop their ability to solve various life challenges in more creative and innovative way. Simulations, communication and problem solving challenges, group works, individual reflections, indoor and outdoor exercises will be used to create interactive learning platform based on no ...
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The project "Migration and Mobility - Challenges and Opportunities for European Youth" is a training course, taking place in Georgia from June 1st to June 7th 2011 with 30 participants from Austria, Italy, Turkey, Germany, Lithuania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Russia and Georgia. During the project the participating youth will deal with the topic of challenges and opportunities related to migr ...
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Start date: Sep 28, 2011,

This Initiative-Action presents the basic knowledge and information on the need to replace the energy we all use with Renewable Energy. The aim is that residents of the Olympic village and all participants in the initiative to lead in changing attitudes and behaviors and in particular to adopt a set of practical tasks, duties and activities to maintain and improve protection of the environment wit ...
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