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17 European Projects Found

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In this context of high youth unemployment rate in EU, VET with a strong WBL component is a mean enhancing the employment opportunities of youth. It is estimated that the demand for work based trainers and educators will continue to increase, and yet there is no single qualification that brings together the range of skills that these professionals need. Significantly, many occupationally and tech...
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“TRAM-WBL Engaging SMEs for Quality Transnational WBL experiences”

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

WBL is proving to be a successful model to improve the learners’ employability, which is especially relevant at this time in EU with a dramatically high number of unemployed youths. Different sectors and stakeholders are demanding a more labour-market-oriented VET education combining practical and theoretical learning in order to qualify skilled workers in a practical way and better prepare them f...
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EQAVET in practice

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Rationale behind this proposal The recent economic developments have shown the importance of having a highly skilled workforce. The Member States, in their recent Council conclusions on the role of education and training to economic recovery and growth, have highlighted the importance of strong vocational education and training (VET) systems in attaining a high level of skills relevant to the labo...
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SHare, Improve, develop: today’s excelleNce for tomorrow’s HVET

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The European Union needs competences, innovation, balanced and integrated territory development in order to boost its growth. Indeed, innovation is not only a linear process, a result of R&D activities. On the opposite, more and more innovation sprouts in broad, multi-sectoral socio-economic contexts, strongly application-oriented, and through complex processes, integrating top-down (based on econ...
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n order to achieve its own institutional goals, the USR Veneto carries out actions which naturally meet some of the European objectives, such as the reduction of school dropouts and the development of teachers' professionalism through long-life training. This project of staff mobility concerns the didactic competences linked to the digital area and the ability to interact within communities of pra...
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Evaluation of school leadership and teaching practice

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

CONTEXT Under the heading “EVALUATION OF SCHOOL LEADERSHIP AND TEACHING PRACTICE (EOSLATP)” this KA2 Erasmus+ project will take place from 2015 to 2017. The project gives importance to school leadership and teaching practice assessment to improve quality in our educational systems. Partners have experience in evaluating School Leaders and Teachers, and Applicant organization has a longstanding i...
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The AIM of the strategic partnership in the field of VOCATIONAL TRAINING AND EDUCATION is to extend the international dimension of activities for the benefit of vocational training by cooperation in scope of implementing innovations and exchange of good practices in 3 occupations. The partnership’s aim is to:1. ELABORATE innovative attitudes, curricula and apprenticeship programs for 3 occupations...
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Problem 5.6 million Young people (18-24) in Europe are early school leavers (ESL). Without the shield from unemployment that is education (ILO 2012), these are 5.6 Million young people at heightened risk of poor participation in the labour market and social exclusion over their entire life course. Exposing 13.5% of all young people in this age group to this increased risk is not only an immense wa...
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The inducement for this project is the realization that student mobility lags behind for the fashion and textile sector in education. This is due to the fact that this sector is a rather small branch. The ongoing mobility of students in this sector is based on a few semi-private contacts within VET schools at the moment, which do not fulfil the full range of necessary mobility partners. This illus...
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The TAMTAM project has operated a sectoral and geographic transfer of TIPTOE project results: from commerce to ICT, fashion/textile, mechanics/mechatronics and energetic efficiency/green building; from the Netherlands to Italy, Austria, France, Germany, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and United Kingdom. The construction and the intelligent grow of a common European space for lifelong learning (Lisbon p...
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La Stratégie Europe 2020 demande à la IFP de représenter un rôle en mesure de contribuer à satisfaire les nécessités immédiates et futures de l'Europe en termes de compétences: l'Italie et le Portugal seront les Pays avec le poids le plus élevé de forces de travail ayant des bas taux de qualification (37,1% par rapport à la moyenne EU du 19,5%).- Dans ce contexte le transfert de l'innovation d...
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Whereas the LLP and EQF promote a unified approach to education and training in EU integrating VET and HE, two credit systems will soon coexist when ECVET will be officially implemented by the MS. The need to address a comprehensive area of education and training in EU was also stressed in the Recommendation on ECVET which suggests to “facilitate the compatibility and comparability between credit ...
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Nowadays, the role of career guidance counselors becomes more and more crucial, as previous studies funded by the LLP, have indicated that people are not always able on their own to identify career opportunities. Nowadays, career counselors should be able to inform, guide and provide advice to individuals, being familiar with up-to-date technological packages and innovative educational tools/mater...
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CONTEXTA common challenge for the European school systems was the prevention of early school leaving. AIMSThe aim of the Stay@School project was to provide school teachers with the necessary skills to prevent early school leaving using the strategies and tools developed in the framework of the School Inclusion project:• Database of reviews of publications on early school leaving• Database of case...
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In the EU there is a longstanding tradition in support of learning mobility by means of different programmes. Since 1992, the EC has grant-aided transnational mobility for young people. The LLP defines a 2009-2011 priority as expanding learning mobility in EU and worldwide. Despite these persistent efforts the overall percentage of young people which actually engages in transnational mobility acti...
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The globalisation of markets and working processes as well as the financial crisis bringing about the loss of lots of jobs highlight the need to search and suggest innovative training instruments and proposals. MEET project has selected and addressed three needs which deal with: product typology; reforms of the education & training systems undertaken in the partner countries; quality criteria. The...
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While there is general agreement about the fact that the recognition of non-formal and informal learning may be beneficial for all levels of the adult population, many countries are examining the possibility of using this approach to deal with the problems faced by certain groups, especially vulnerable to professional or social exclusion. Migrants are the focus of special attention in this area of...
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