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L'Animatore Digitale per l'innovazione e l'internazionalizzazione delle scuole Venete
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

n order to achieve its own institutional goals, the USR Veneto carries out actions which naturally meet some of the European objectives, such as the reduction of school dropouts and the development of teachers' professionalism through long-life training. This project of staff mobility concerns the didactic competences linked to the digital area and the ability to interact within communities of practices, in a perspective of European integration with other countries' professional school actors.The themes involved in this project allow the achievement of some of the objectives outlined by the National Plan of the Digital School (PNSD), established by the Minister of Education through the D.M. 851 dated 25.10.2015. One of the strategic tools used by the PNSD is the selection, in each school organization, of a Digital Leader Teacher (AD) who has, among his duties, that of promoting the use of ICT to improve the teaching/learning processes and to promote in students and colleagues an awareness in the use of digital tools as well as to foster innovation linked to the use of digital means, both in learning settings and in what could be defined as “professional communities”. This very important need is accompanied by the urge, stated by the PNSD, to reinforce, among the ADs the use, production and sharing of open teaching resources, many of which are available in international repositories.Within this theoretical and practical framework, the Consortium counts 30 participating schools, whose ADs have been selected as they express the need to empower their literacy and skills in the following areas:1. innovative pedagogical and methodological competences referred to the use of digital technologies2. classroom management and lesson planning in digital environments, also using software tools created for or functional to didactics3. education to a safe and aware use of the new media 4. internationalisation of the school system as a whole, aiming to activate a virtuous process of exchange of good practices and teaching resources that should become settled practice and should be extended gradually to all the schools of the Region to be used by teachers of all subjects.To satisfy the needs of ADs, a careful choice of training courses are to be made following the criteria above mentioned. In order to guarantee successful results, actions and outcomes need to be monitored from the very beginning.ETwinning platform will be used as a tool in preparation for the teachers’ mobility as well as to constantly monitor their activities abroad. The regional training plan designed for ADs will be of great help, too as it will act as a linking resource among teachers taking part in the Erasmus + staff mobility programme and the other ADs. The plan includes 24 provincial training workshops led by expert ADs, Aim of these workshops is to exchange good practices. They are designed to work sinergically with the training courses and gradually help teachers move from an individual professional growth to a participative action in communities of professional practices.Taking part in eTwinning will be an index of progress in the internationalization of practices. ETwinning will be used to measure the rise of registrations to the platform as well as the number of started and ended projects. This community of practices already makes use of technologies to share teaching actions and activate online forums on such practices among European teachers interested in thinking over teaching and learning processes.Aimed competences will be outlined in detail in the agreements between the Consortium and the participating schools (G 2.1)Through the indexes and actions described, the increase of professional competences of ADs taking part in the activities will be evaluated together with their ability to disseminate good practices and substantial innovation.

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