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E.R.M.E.S. Enhancing Resources for Mobility Experiences and Strategies

In the EU there is a longstanding tradition in support of learning mobility by means of different programmes. Since 1992, the EC has grant-aided transnational mobility for young people. The LLP defines a 2009-2011 priority as expanding learning mobility in EU and worldwide. Despite these persistent efforts the overall percentage of young people which actually engages in transnational mobility activities remains low. Looking at the heterogeneity of provisions and organisations at EU level, it appears with clarity that at the moment this training component is largely underdeveloped compared with other subjects in the VET-curricula. Some barriers must be addressed: opportunities for organised learning mobility are too few and too little is known by the majority of young people; lack of awareness of the advantages of having a mobility experience; teachers and trainers who could act as promoters of mobility lack both the knowledge and incentives to do so; complex and off-putting administrative procedures, etc.E.R.M.E.S. project sought to address these needs and intended to respond to the EU policy mainly setting the aim to improve the quality of mobility experiences by providing a high-quality level support. The ambition of the project was to act as mobility facilitator building on the provision of web-based support so to improve the participation, well-being and motivation of learners during their mobility across EU. Through the transfer/adaptation of the innovative elements of two previous LdV projects (EU Mobility Portal in VET and INTENT), the project aimed at analysing and reviewing the structure and services of the existing platform Campus Azione Impresa, previously developed by the Applicant in cooperation with Unioncamere Veneto, by making improvements and integrations in contents and functionalities meanwhile ensuring their consistency with the Common Quality Assurance Framework for VET and ECVET Technical Specifications. The project was designed to build up a strong partnership among EU national and regional public and private key actors possessing high-quality specific technical competences and experiences related to education and training policies, training needs analysis, learners and workers’ mobility, EU-funded projects management as well as strong links with the labour market. In the short term, impact was limited to the regions in which partner organizations operate and encompassed the organisations directly involved in pilot activities. Throughout the lifetime of the project other VET providers and companies were directly exposed to these tools and procedures through their practical application in a VET environment. The Project Coordinator set out a plan to reach other stakeholders on a regional and national level. All partners committed to a similar model using their own wide range of networks and attempt to influence wider VET initiatives for those young people wishing to undertake mobility experiences.

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10 Partners Participants