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8 European Projects Found

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Mobilité de travailleurs belges du secteur jeunesse

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

1.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVESThe objective of the project: enable mobility of youth workers of this consortium (partnership of organizations of the youth sector, members of the European network Ecett) to improve the quality of their work with young people, by adopting a biased position and enquiring with their peers abroad.Professionals of “youth” feel sometimes helpless when confronted to some situ...
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Prevention, Addictions and THerapy

Start date: Oct 10, 2016, End date: Apr 9, 2018,

Young people in an effort to actively participate in issues relevant to their group age, decided to suggest the creation of a partnership with the participation of young people from different social groups making use of structured dialogue. Their goal was to create a policy planning forum for the Sensitization of Young People in prevention of drug abuse, as well as the shaping of proposals emphas...
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The project aims to support the mobility of thirteen (13) professionals working at KETHEA responsible for vocational education and training of KETHEA staff and drug addicts in therapy. The selection of the professionals – trainees will be based on criteria promoting the acquisition of key competences in continuous vocational training, the transfer of knowledge acquired during the mobility, and the...
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ECEtt mobility IRL

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

This Mobility project is a follow up of the previous Ecett projects funded by Leonardo da Vinci. The innovative training method of Ecett has been described, tested and transferred from 2006 until 2011 in the field of therapeutic communities for addicted people and of social work. It consists in benchmarking, research and description of good practices which can be transferred in other places of t...
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ECEtt Erasmus+ Mobility

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Magdaléna, o.p.s. is a member of Ecett-Networks NGO. This broad European network has been built by cooperation of institutions who want to improve the quality and results of their teams. Project “ECEtt Erasmus + Mobility” builds on the previous European project of mobility (Lifelong learning program, 2011-2013) as well as further cooperation within the Ecett network. The project is based on the ed...
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The programme "Substance abuse treatment: the intergration is the essence" is an initiative from a group of seven young adults, who are attending the alternative school of KETHEA-EXODOS, situated in the city of Larisa. The initiative, with duration of seven months, has as main aim the production of a short film/ tv spot about substance abuse treatment and social integration. The tv spot will a)...
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The programme has become an initiative from a group of eight young adults who are attending the Alternative School of Kethea, Ariadni situated in Iraklion, Crete. This initiative, with a duration of 6 months, has to do with the publication of a magazine entitled 'Spira". The magazine's theme will deal with racial issues and how to overcome them; and how the local community is affected with immigr...
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To increase exchange of informations and common knowledge between surgeon department of different universities The specific objectives are: "• Development of BA and MA curricula in social work in line with Bolognarequirements by August 2009• Modernisation of courses and teaching methods at Russian partners by July 2010.• Development of social work courses for professionals and beginners by July 20...
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