Search for European Projects

Start date: Aug 1, 2011,

The programme "Substance abuse treatment: the intergration is the essence" is an initiative from a group of seven young adults, who are attending the alternative school of KETHEA-EXODOS, situated in the city of Larisa. The initiative, with duration of seven months, has as main aim the production of a short film/ tv spot about substance abuse treatment and social integration. The tv spot will a) focus on the ex-substance abusers re-integration efforts b) indicate the specific difficulties and social barriers they confront, and finally c) stress the importance of the re-integration process. The tv spot will explore and emerge the importance of the factors relating directly to reintegration procedure: a) economical factors such as vocational identity and employment, b) social factors such as social stigma associated with substance abuse and local community awareness, c) educational factors such as educational re-integration and vocational training. The methodology and techniques for the research and accumulation of the material that will be used will be based on teaching techniques applicable for the education of adults, for example: interviews with experts and local operators.At the same time, a short film/ tv spot contest will be organized. The contest will be addressed to local young adults, non professional creators. They will be motivated to shoot a short film/ tv spot to give a picture of their thoughs on substance abuse. For the purposes of the contest the group of seven young adults will organize the contest. This contest will be organized in the framework of additional project dissemination activities.

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