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ECEtt mobility IRL
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This Mobility project is a follow up of the previous Ecett projects funded by Leonardo da Vinci. The innovative training method of Ecett has been described, tested and transferred from 2006 until 2011 in the field of therapeutic communities for addicted people and of social work. It consists in benchmarking, research and description of good practices which can be transferred in other places of the network. The project offers training opportunities to staff members trough a combination of virtual and physical exchange based on a combination of journeymen apprenticeship and e-learning. The requested Mobility grants will help staff members of different organizations to cooperate in order to promote a process of continuous quality improvement based on benchmarking and capitalization of knowledge on an e-learning platform. The final goal is the improvement of therapeutic results for clients in addiction, social work, etc.Ecett-Networks NGO is a network of institutions with expertise in the fields of humans centered occupations: sectors of prevention, addiction, rehabilitation and vocational education. Partner organizations of this network welcome Ecett trainees based on rules described in the "Ecett Handbook". The direct exchange on the spot, among qualified specialists from various countries, promote efficient knowledge exchanges and cultural openness. The learning method of Ecett (MECETT) has been produced by Ecett since 2006 during two projects funded by Leonardo da Vinci: Ecett-Pilot 2006 and Ecett Transfer of Innovation 2009 and one by ESF : Ecett-Convergence 2009.What is MECETT ?MECETT is a method of improvement of professional skills which was developed by a network of therapeutic communities that are developed by the transmission of experience, visits and international exchanges to help workers improve their skills, to structure their activities and to experiment with new approaches. The "Compagnons du Devoir" are the source of inspiration and the Agency Leonardo da Vinci (EU) helped to transfer this model to continuing education in all types of trades.The tradition of learning of artisans can be adapted and transferred to the ongoing training of all professionals. Learning excellence requires not only of new theoretical knowledge, but especially the acquisition of new practical skills based on experimentation and observation of good models of Knowledge in the field... The transfer of companionship to the PD model assumes certain adaptations to meet the needs of adult professionals who occupy a function and have private or family commitments. Even though they speak different languages, the common occupation is a factor of communication and a strong link between professionals.8 full time Staff from Coolmine Therapeutic Community will travel to their host- partner organizations in Italy, Norway , Greece and Spain to participate in the Mobility project in grouped mini-internships to discover other organizations and Ecett internships.This enable Coolmine T.C to establish contacts with host- partner institutions that have developed some good practices in the Therapeutic Community " Community as method model" in Addiction Treatment / Rehabilitation thus improve quality outcomes for clients. The participants will be skilled practitioners, in the filed of addiction made up of Project workers , Outreach/ prison workers, Child and family support workers and Addiction Counsellors and career guidance counsellors working in three Coolmine T.C facilities , Men's residential, Mother and Child residential and Community and Day services.This project will enable the discovery of new practices in link with learning objectives pay particular attention to contingency plans and safety net interventions for clients who lapse/relapse and to the family services with a focus on mother and child units and new good practises. Feed-back of new ideas to their teams, the feed-back of trainees stimulates the opening of professional mind sets in their teams, a new inspiration, new practices and new team dynamics. service users will benefit of an improved quality of existing services ; new services and approaches and Initiation and motivation for lifelong learning through the MECETT method .Changing the minds and speech of trainees after their knowledge exchange and changing the professional practice of the trainees after return from internships. Strengthening of European professional links among partner organizations.

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