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21 European Projects Found

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It is undeniable that digital social media and blogs are increasingly used by the youth to engage in political discussion or simply share their views. This is reshaping traditional means of communication and social participation. Information and Communication Technologies (or simply ICT) facilitate interactive, peer-based and networked activities and lower traditional barriers to the production an...
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Digitally fit: developing skills and competences to improve employability

Start date: Oct 23, 2016, End date: Jun 22, 2017,

The Digital Agenda for Europe of the Europe 2020 strategy calls for "multi-stakeholder partnerships, increased learning, recognition about digital competences as well as awareness raising and effective ICT training and certification outside formal education systems, including the use of online tools and digital media". Being one of the most vulnerable groups, migrants and refugees are quite hard t...
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The question of ethnic minority youth's social and economic interaction with the host communities has received considerable attention over the last years. Young people with different national and ethnic minority background face the unique issues that demand an additional efforts to help them feel safe, welcomed, and use the full extent of their labour market opportunities. The overall aim of our p...
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Europe is experiencing one of the most significant influxes of migrants and refugees in its history. Pushed by civil war and terror and pulled by the promise of a better life, hundreds of thousands of people have fled their homes, risking their lives along the way. When a migrant, refugee or asylum seeker arrives in a new country, providing them with effective learning is key to supporting their p...
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För att ta plats på dagens hårda arbetsmarknad krävs det att man är högutbildad och gärna kunna visa upp arbetslivserfarenhet. Detta gör att många ungdomar, främst de boendes på landsbygden har svårt för att slå sig in och hamnar lätt i ungdomsarbetslöshet. IWYO planerar tillsammans med partnerorganisationer från Litauen, Portugal, Ryssland, Vitryssland och Moldavien att genom detta dialogprojekt...
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Sammanfattning av “Streets of Europe: Promoting non-violent behaviour through community volunteering. ”. med diarienummer 0859/16 YEpro, Den svenska ungdomsföreningen International World Youth Organization har tillsammans med sina partnerorganisationer från Portugal, Lettland, Turkiet och Italien skapat detta projekt som ett led i sitt arbete med att få ner ungdomsvåldet och samtidigt öka engagema...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

JOIN OUR JOURNEY III project has been developed upon the experience of last 6 years of EVS Hosting, Sending and Coordinating. We are solely aware of aims and objectives of hosting EVS Volunteers within the frame of EVS Charter and learning objectives of the EVS Programme. This project is planned as a journey of Learning, to raise European Consciousness amongst youngsters and getting the EVS volu...
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Create and innovate with youth employment practices.

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The transition from education to independence and a place in the world of work becoming longer and more precarious. One in five young people in Europe cannot find a job despite the fact that employment is officially guaranteed for every citizen in many European states. However, the most challenging situation researched and analyzed by our partnership is that in many European countries young peopl...
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The idea and planning of this Mobility project was developed by the young people in the course of discussions during the Erasmus + seminar about how to empower and equip the peer leaders with tools in the field of community volunteering and youth inclusion project work in our organizations. At this seminar the youth educators found a common interest in the empowerment of the young people they work...
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Raising participation and employability of migrant youth

Start date: Apr 4, 2016, End date: Oct 3, 2016,

Nowadays migrant young people face many obstacles in overcoming the barriers that prevent them from becoming fully engaged participants in European society. Discrimination, language barriers, poverty, social exclusion, lower rates of education and skill levels, cultural stumbling blocks, higher risks of exploitation, and increased risk of becoming victims of crime are problems they face. Our proje...
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If people are treated differently, unequally or unfairly, because of their religion, their gender, sexuality, color of their skin, or their age, it’s discrimination. When discrimination becomes internalized, it can shape the identity of those at whom it is directed. European countries and institutions stand to fight discrimination of any kind with the help of relevant legislation and initiatives. ...
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The opportunity to experience political participation and be decision makers in their own environment from an early age is crucial for young people to become active citizens. Young people express a strong interest in policy making and such issues as employment and education, which directly concern them. However there are barriers to youth political participation in most of European countries. Stro...
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This seminar, that will take place in Lviv (Ukraine) from September 1st to September 9th 2015, is aimed at experienced youth and social workers and volunteers, who want to acquire key competencies in promoting social inclusion processes by the employability of disadvantaged women and young girls and victims of violence. It will bring together 42 participants from countries representing Europe, Sou...
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ACTivation: Active social participation of national minority youth

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

This program was designed to give unemployed young people representing national minority groups an opportunity to meet each other and to interact using non-formal education methods on the issues related to active social participation. With this Project carried out by the partnership consisting of Swedish, Turkish, Moldovan, Russian, and Belarusian partners we were working to promote national minor...
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The overall aim of this multi leg project will be to encourage the development and internationalisation of young people’s volunteering as an alternative to social exclusion and unemployment in partner organizations’ communities of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia and Sweden, building capacity of youth organizations for initiation and promotion of community volunteering and producing a dissemination...
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Start Up!

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

High youth unemployment rates in the EU poses a threat to European society. Young people are a huge resource for the European society, but they have to create new jobs for themselves using innovative new visions and ideas to fight unemployment. It is no longer enough just to look at existing jobs and young people need to think creatively to fight unemployment. To help young people with this grow...
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Rural volunteering goes digital

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

Social inclusion of rural youth through digital competence was a project that was carried out by the partnership consisting of Swedish, Portuguese, Russian, and Belarusian partners. We planned to combine the strengths of partner organizations to meet the needs of European rural youth by improving their employability, digital skills and the sense of social inclusion. The Project included 2 legs. Th...
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Maximising youth employability.

Start date: Feb 22, 2015, End date: Sep 21, 2015,

The youth exchange addressed the issue of tackling youth unemployment with a focus on entrepreneurship and innovation. By the combined interaction of the participating partners from Sweden, Latvia, Turkey and Bulgaria and the young participants, we were able to increase the capacity of young people to contribute to the well-being of their community and, in turn, their own lives. Our partnership ad...
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Act and connect for inclusion and employability

Start date: Aug 4, 2014, End date: Apr 3, 2015,

Volunteering provides important learning opportunities, because involvement in voluntary activities empower people with new skills and competences that can improve their employability. This is especially important at this time of economic recession. The idea and planning of this Mobility project was developed by the young people that met during the previous Youth in action projects dedicated to th...
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Voluntary Work-Out

Start date: Aug 1, 2011,

The European Year of Volunteering-2011 is an opportunity to raise awareness of volunteering as a tool for personal development, and a form of active citizenship that contributes to more inclusive, sustainable and peaceful societies. The evaluation meeting ' Voluntary work-out: Strenghtening European Voluntary Practice' aims at strengthening international voluntary projects by evaluating their im...
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