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ACTivation: Active social participation of national minority youth
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This program was designed to give unemployed young people representing national minority groups an opportunity to meet each other and to interact using non-formal education methods on the issues related to active social participation. With this Project carried out by the partnership consisting of Swedish, Turkish, Moldovan, Russian, and Belarusian partners we were working to promote national minority youth social inclusion and active participation in the labor market in order to support their employability. Our partnership used its past experience gained in the youth work field to achieve that. The achieved objectives of the project are: - training the participants with empowerment skills to share their knowledge and competences with their peers; - empowering young people with the skills to recognize that they can be drivers of change; - getting in direct touch with the organizations and bodies that have strong relevance and influence for the national minority youth employability theme; - identifying, presenting and multiplying good practice examples; - creating space for exchanging local project experiences and exploring the skills and competences gained during the implementation of the projects; - promoting a wider understanding of social inclusion and how to engage motivated young people as active citizens; - promoting participation of national minority youth in democratic life in Europe and its labor market. The Project included 3 stages. The first one was the Contact Making Event that took place in Sweden and involved 5 participants from each partner country. The participants were youth peer leaders and representatives of the participating organizations directly working with young people in their communities and dealing with the issues of active social participation and youth employability. During the activity they presented profiles and experience of the participating organizations, shared best practices and were introduced to the reality of each other on a personal, professional and cultural level that helped to prepare basis for the following legs of the Mobility Project. The second one was the Youth Exchange that took place in Belarus and involved 8 participants and 2 group leaders from each partner country. The Exchange gave the young participants an opportunity to organize informal peer-led activities for their peers and the local community, while accepting feedback on the chosen methodology and to be active citizens through active social participation. The third one was the Training Course for peer leaders and educators that took place in Turkey and involved 6 participants from each partner country. The target group for the Training Course was the peer leaders, peer educators, youth project developers and youth leaders from the participating countries implementing inclusion projects on Stage 2 and interested in the issues of transferability of the skills and knowledge they obtained during these international and local youth events to their peers from youth organizations and wider communities. As it was expected, this Mobility Project attracted the attention of the large community of youth organizations and public bodies in the countries the partners came from. Many other youth organizations were aware of this bid and were keen to see the implementation of the Project with the aim to undertake a youth project in the future. All the participating groups created concrete peer oriented outcomes (presentations, pictures, forum theatre plays, etc.) to promote the results back home. At the follow-up and dissemination stage the participants undertook meetings with invited experts (employment and youth sector); youth workers and researchers of different levels, including European. The participants were encouraged to transfer their experiences to the local networks and increase their participation in the life of the communities they came from. Through the Project activities we were able to encourage our participants to discover their abilities and to become more self-confident and to improve those skills that would lead to a successful integration into real social and working life. Besides, this Mobility Project was the start of an ongoing process where the participants can meet and communicate in different ways and on different levels in the future. We have put all possible efforts to help the Project escalate the level of crossing border cooperation especially in the form of the independent community based youth initiatives.

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4 Partners Participants