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Empowering discriminated youth for democratic participation and social inclusion.
Start date: Nov 23, 2015, End date: Sep 22, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

If people are treated differently, unequally or unfairly, because of their religion, their gender, sexuality, color of their skin, or their age, it’s discrimination. When discrimination becomes internalized, it can shape the identity of those at whom it is directed. European countries and institutions stand to fight discrimination of any kind with the help of relevant legislation and initiatives. However, the contemporary situation in EU and its separately taken member countries is characterized by a confusing abundance of social welfare laws both on the European level and the ones supplied from National levels. This concerns all aspects of social/ economic legislation of support for young people - state and regional benefits on education, leisure, housing; rights for easier conditions at work places; first job employment possibilities, etc. Such situation mostly contributes to the perplexity in accessing the rights and results in numerous cases of abandoning and breaking those rights. Thus, the main objectives of the project are: - to raise the participants’ awareness of the current challenges and problem areas of the social and economic youth rights; - to empower discriminated young people and youth groups to advocate their rights; - to work out possible social and economic youth rights advocacy forms and methods and establish liaison persons for interaction; - to familiarize the participants with the existing tools and mechanisms to ensure execution of social and economic youth rights; - to develop the network of multipliers in social and economic youth rights advocacy; - to establish the network of trained multipliers that will form the basis of youth rights advocacy groups; - to form youth rights advocacy groups within the structures of our organizations interested in bringing efforts together for social and economic youth rights advocacy and accessing young people facing discrimination to social and economic rights. Reaching these objectives will stimulate discriminated young people to promote their democratic participation and social inclusion. The project will consist of 3 legs. The first one is the Contact Making Event that will take place in Turkey with 5 participants involved from each partner country. During the activity participants will discuss social and economic rights of discriminated young people and present profiles and experience of their organizations. To achieve the aims of the meeting partners will use the following working methods: different types of presentations, workshops and simulation exercises, Peer Café workshop, Open Space methodology. The second leg is the Youth Exchange that will take place in Lithuania and involve12 young participants and 8 group leaders from each partner country. The Exchange will give the young participants an opportunity to explore different ways of accessing excluded youth groups to social and economic rights and organize informal peer-led activities for their peers and the local community. This will be done through: thematic workshops, role plays and simulation exercises form the Compass human rights manual, workshop on project management and project work with local community. The third leg is the Training Course for peer leaders and multipliers that will take place in Portugal. 6 participants from each partner country chosen during the previous stages of the project will work on forming youth rights advocacy groups within the structures of their organizations. Methods that will be used during the Training Course: sharing of good practice; workshops on transferring knowledge and skills and planning follow-up between the participating partner organizations; field exercise with local community. The exploitation of results phase will concentrate on the ways of providing support to the multipliers and peer campaigners, sustainability of the follow-up activities and mainstreaming. At the project the young people will learn how to stimulate debate about the obstacles that prevent people from fully using these rights and generate specific proposals for addressing them as well as how to encourage people to participate in civic fora on EU policies and issues. The better the young people of Europe understand and advocate their rights as EU citizens, the more informed decisions they can take in their personal lives, and the more vibrant democratic life in Europe can be at all levels. The project will provide shared learning experiences with other Europeans to enable them to understand the role that they can play as part of the present and future of democratic Europe.

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3 Partners Participants