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Create and innovate with youth employment practices.
Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The transition from education to independence and a place in the world of work becoming longer and more precarious. One in five young people in Europe cannot find a job despite the fact that employment is officially guaranteed for every citizen in many European states. However, the most challenging situation researched and analyzed by our partnership is that in many European countries young people do not actively (if at all) participate in developing and drafting employability policies that concern them. Everything is done for them, without them. The lack of “youth proofing” practices , lack of access to decision making and democratic representation while youth policies are drafted threatens an increasing number of young people in European countries with a sense of exclusion, disbelief in democratic institutions, apathy and disenfranchisement. And those with the fewest skills or the fewest opportunities are most at risk. With this project our partnership aims at developing, sharing and disseminating “youth proofing” practices that influence decision and policy making for better youth employability. Understanding all vital aspects of democratic youth representation and participation will enable youth organizations to become the forefront of influence and decision making, ensure the legitimacy of the processes and act as trained multipliers in National networks mainstreaming youth proofing and youth access to drafting employment policies. Partner youth and student councils from Sweden, Latvia and Turkey working on the development of youth employability policies will research, exchange practices, undergo training and work together on encouraging youth proofing of employment policies , youth participation in decision making / governing bodies and produce an action plan for local Peer campaigners to ensure understanding of the important processes that go in hand with accessing youth to decision making by wider networks of youth organizations and young people. Follow up and dissemination stage planning will allow for the emergence of new youth employability initiatives in local governments and public sector to represent youth interests. Each partner will be represented by an equal number of participants for every Transnational Meeting and Multiplier Event during the project: Preparatory meeting in Sweden - 3 participants from each partner country; 2. Training seminar in Latvia - 5 participants from each partner country; 3. Action Plan Development meeting in Turkey - 4 participants from each partner country; Multiplier Events - 25 participants locally in each partner country; 4. Evaluation meeting in Latvia- 3 participants from each partner country. The change that the project will make: - it will foster innovative practice exchange e.g. "youth proofing" in the field of youth participation in drafting employment policies between participating countries from different regions of Europe using Non formal methodologies; - it will improve the quality and recognition of youth work practices and non-formal learning in participating countries and enhance synergies and complementaries with the labour market and society. - it will access youth and youth councils to relevant documents and facilities; - it will outreach to more diverse target groups of young people; - democratic participation of young people will be complemented by increased coordination between youth NGOs and Policy makers; - project will promote the use of more accessible language for youth while accessing young people to decision making; - cross sector approach will be practiced to involve youth organizations, municipalities, business community that will boost transferability , awareness raising and facilitate change on our theme. With the manual developed as an intellectual output of the project we are planning to present, publicize and multiply the pro-active and practice-oriented approach to support youth democratic participation in policy making for better employability that we will develop throughout different activities undertaken during this project. It will include key findings from the research on best practice undertaken by our partnership on the situation with youth participation in developing and drafting employability policies as well as youth work materials, relevant non formal methodologies, innovative practices and Action Plan developed by the peer campaigners during the project meetings.
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