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"The purpose of Project VALCRI is to create a Visual Analytics-based sense-making capability for criminal intelligence analysis by developing and integrating a number of technologies into a coherent working environment for the analyst we call the Reasoning Workspace. Conceptually, the Reasoning Workspace comprises three areas: (i) a Data Space which will enable an analyst to see what data and them...
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Moving Beyond Conflict

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

The Moving Beyond Conflict is a Youth Mobility project within Key Action 1 . The project will aim to explore and understand past and present conflict within both Northern Ireland and in Croatia and develop new skills to lead towards a more diverse and inclusive European Community. The Objectives of this project are to:1.Explore prejudice and conflict and explore the impact this has on the young pe...
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Youth and cultures

Start date: Sep 5, 2016, End date: Aug 4, 2017,

The leader from Valkeala youth house have made an international youth exchange earlier. Youngsters from that youth house were asking about the exchange and got interested about the experience and got an idea that we want to do the same and that´s how the idea was born. The youngsters took part in to a information event about youth exchange and becoming project and the challenges what youngsters wi...
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Vorwärts in Europa und der Welt

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

A1: The main objective of the project of the European College BBS Wechloy with the title "Vorwärts in Europa und der Welt (short: VIEW) - ahead in Europe and the world" is that participants should get an immediate and direct impression of the world of work in our partner countries. A clear project scheduling - with respect to the agreements with the partner organizations - for the application pro...
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Berufliche Bildung in Deutschland und Finnland

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Feb 1, 2017,

On its way to a European center of vocational education the Staatliches Berufliches Schulzentrum (State Vocational School Center Bamberg) has already gained motivating experiences with students and teachers. The Staatliches Berufliches Schulzentrum cooperated successfully in the field of two specific professional categories with the professionally equipped Vocational Education Center of Omnia in t...
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"Growing together - Zusammenwachsen"

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

In the International Youth Exchange "Growing together" young people from Northern Ireland and Germany meet from 01.08.2016-12.08.2016 in Berlin. These 24 young people and their four teamer engage in these 12 days together in Berlin with what people separates from each other, with what connects them and how a divided society can grow together. The political conflicts in the partner country are the ...
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Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

This is a tri-lateratal youth exchange between Northern Ireland, Denmark and Ireland from 25th July 2016 - 3rd August 2016 which will be hosted in Co Antrim, Northern Ireland. The project will involve 33 young people primarily from disadvantaged backgrounds and 6 leaders.In all three partner countries - many young people view their participation in social, civic and political matters as limited, ...
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ACE - Acquiring Competences in Europe

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

ACE – Acquiring Competences in Europe is the Erasmus + mobility project of Andrássy György Catholic Business Academy of Eger for students in vocational training and its employees. Our institution has been actively participating in the Leonardo da Vinci programme since 2008 and 120 of our students have done their on-the-job training at our international partner institutions. The teachers of the sch...
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Economic and social development of Romania-Bulgaria border area on the basis of partnership between the R&D&I, universities, central and local administration and SMEs. To create a comprehensive and accurate image of the R&D&I status in the cross-border area. To develop the R&D&I in the cross-border area and its contribution to local development. To create a database with relevant information in th...
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Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

My Life Your Life is a Bilateral Youth Exchange between youth organisations in Germany and Northern Ireland involving 24 young people aged 15 - 17 years. The project will take place in Northern Ireland from 20 - 31 July 2015. Participants will come from areas of disadvantage and segregation where they do not get many opportunities to work and learn about others. Involvement in this project will...
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Young People and Conflict

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The Young People & Conflict is a Youth Mobility project within Key Action 1 . The project will aim to explore and understand conflict within both European settings of Northern Ireland and the Basque Region and its impact upon young people in each community. The Objectives of this project are to: 1. Explore and challenge prejudice and conflict and explore the impact this has had on the young peopl...
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Challenge 2015 - Healthy inside out

Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

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To accommodate for increased cross border activity and development within sustainable building technology, cooperation and business for the high north. Achievements: The project did a lot of research: two master dissertations were written on the project. It has lifted a...
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The overall idea of the project is to equip local/regional maritime-related businesses with the knowledge and competence on LNG (liquefied natural gas) technologies. This will enable them to be contracted for operating and maintaining the planned LNG terminal investments in Lithuania and Poland. With this competence the companies can specialise and form cross-border supply chains in South Baltic. ...
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Start date: Aug 2, 2014, End date: Jan 1, 2015,

Between 24th and 31st October 2014 we carried out the following up of the exchange projects realized on March and July 2013, in Finland and Northern Ireland respectively. According to the programme in the "Application Form", we should have realized this exchange between 4th and 11th of August 2014. Because of the delay about the communication of the outcomes of the project, we shouldn't have h...
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Enhancing ‘Next Generation Access’ Growth in Europe (ENGAGE)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

CONTEXT : ICT play an increasing and crucial role in the European socio-economic environment. The adoption and use of ICT are among the most significant factors determining productivity growth, accounting of 40% of Europe's productivity growth and 25% of EU GDP growth”. ICT could be a key factor to help developing rural areas in Europe but there is still a real rural-urban gap in broadband covera...
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"Mobilizing Europe" - "Employment", "Knowledge", "Culture"

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Oct 16, 2014,

The tri-lateral youth exchange (DE-UK-PL) is a follow-up of a youth exchange that took place in Northern Ireland in 2013, but additionally with a 3rd partner from Poland and will take place in Germany this year. As indicated by the title "Mobilizing Europe" there is the aim to bring young people from different cultural backgrounds and social dispositions together in order to support the growing of...
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PA Transport of the EUSBSR calls for coordination of national transport policies and actions to ensure a harmonised transnational development of the transport system. The ensured thematic focus and established links between the above initiatives helped achieve certain stage of coordination and complementarity. However, fuller integration of the approaches, which would enable better development and...
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The idea to submit a project to INTERREG IVC emerged in 2008 when several European entities decided to make a joint effort to contribute to a more collaborative and aligned environment capable of harmonizing Knowledge Transfer (KT) mechanisms and boosting innovation at European level. In fact, KT was recognized by the EU as a key tool for boosting innovation and competitiveness in Europe. In line ...
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Innovation scores low in SEE, proper framework conditions are missing to bridge research, education & business and the region is characterized by a weak culture for innovation. Although SEE Science PPs have excellent chances for innovative business development since universities and high technology companies are located there, their potential to improve social climate for new developments, is unde...
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BEtter management and implementation of NATURa 2000 sites (BE-NATUR)

Start date: Jan 31, 2011, End date: Jan 30, 2014,

One of the current most important and demanding challenges is to face the loss of biodiversity, encompassing the diversity of both habitat and species types. A strong EU legal basis for the nature conservation provides the foundation for the preservation of the EU natural heritage. We refer in particular to Habitats and Birds Directives, whose design of Natura 2000 network is based on. The SEE Cou...
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Worldwide, the proportion of people aged 60 and over is growing faster than any other age group: this demographic change represents a challenge that needs to be met at transnational level, having a strong impact in the social and health services and in the labour market. The change of economic position of older people within the knowledge economy demands an innovative policy approach strengthening...
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Bridging Actions for GMES and AFRICA (BRAGMA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

"The “GMES and Africa” initiative establishes a long term partnership between European and African stakeholders, accordingly to the Lisbon Declaration, to work together on the development and implementation of Earth Observation (EO) applications based on African requirements. The process is implemented in the wide context of the Africa-EU partnership aiming for sustainable development and incremen...
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Coastal areas are vital economic hubs in terms of settlement, industry, agriculture, trade and tourism to mention some key sectors. There are already many coastal problems including erosion, flood risk and long-term habitat deterioration. As economies continue to develop the asset base at risk will grow, while accelerating climate change will increase the likelihood of damaging extreme events, as ...
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"CRISIS is a 42 month project to research and develop an advanced critical incident management, interactive simulation environment for training security and emergency personnel in airport operational security. The prototype to be delivered will be distributed, scalable, collaborative interactive simulation environment that will enable training of crisis managers and their staff at airports, at dif...
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Rail Baltica Growth Corridor (RBGC)

Start date: Jun 10, 2010, End date: Sep 9, 2013,

The RBGC is led by the City of Helsinki and coordinated by the Aalto University Small Business Center. The project has in total of 21 partners from 6 BSR countries. Target groups of the RBGC are City and regional authorities, Transport service providers, Logistics centers, Intermodal terminals, Public transport authorities, Universities and other research centers. RBGC's partner composition is bas...
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A new ERA-NET is proposed to further the integration of national, EC and global e-infrastructure programmes. An experienced consortium comprising relevant national programme managers is proposed to develop the ERA-NET, called e-InfraNet. The partners know well the existing policy initiatives and identify a gap in the uptake and integration of innovative policy at national and EC level.A sustainabl...
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Youth Entrepreneurship Strategies (YES)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

The overall aim of YES, Youth Entrepreneurship Strategies, is to increase the number of entrepreneurs and accelerate European competitiveness. The method for reaching the objectives is integrating an entrepreneurial perspective in the one forum that gathers all European youth, the education system. Studies show that Entrepreneurship in school is an effective way to increase the number of entrepren...
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Wetlands, Algae and Biogas (WAB)

Start date: Jan 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

The Baltic Sea is under great environmental stress. The human impact has disturbed the ecological balance, and eutrophication is one of the most severe environmental problems. The nutrient leakage to the sea stimulates an over production of undesirable macro algae that accumulate in shallow waters, especially along the unique and very sensitive sandy coasts of the SB Sea. The overload of algae dam...
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CHIST-ERA is a Consortium of nine national organizations, each running a national programme supporting its research community in long term Information and communication science and technologies (ICST). The Partner funding programmes cover a large majority of the research in Europe and a significant fraction of the field worldwide.The focus of CHIST-ERA is long-term transformational research. Its p...
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TransBaltic was a strategic BSR-wide project carried out by regional authorities, transport and logistics-related research institutions, transport operators, logistics associations and pan-Baltic networks. The partnership of 20 organisations was backed up by further 31 entities, including several national transport ministries around the Baltic Sea.TransBaltic addressed two issues of common concern...
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The overall project objective is simplification of comparability, transparency and mutual recognition of vocational qualifications in Finland and Estonia and improvement of free movement of residents and labour force in this area. HETA-ECVET will continue and implement the results of first pilot project HETA (INTERREG IIIA, 2007). The project started co-operation between Finnish and Estonian educa...
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The project will increase the quality of youngsters' life by improving the socio-medical services for young people in the Galati-Cahul cross-border cooperation region. Expected Results: A new centre equipped for informing, edu...
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Natural science and mathematics curriculum in Latvia and Lithuania should have been changed a long time ago. Rapid development of science, technology and economic changes has resulted in many labour-intensive industries turning into knowledge-based industries. Quality of higher and vocational education is a precondition for preparing natural science, engineering and technology experts. Lack of pro...
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Objectif général :Le projet SELF EFFICACY a pour but de créer un concentré dinformations sur lauto-efficacité des jeunes en effectuant une recherche approfondie sur les publications internationales concernant ce sujet. Lauto-efficacité ou sentiment defficacité personnelle est un terme créé par le psychologue canadien Albert Bandura. Elle peut être définie comme « la croyance de lindividu en sa cap...
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News Peoples Relations In Eastern Mediterranean (PEOPLES)

Start date: May 31, 2006, End date: Mar 30, 2008,

The project PEOPLES has the general objective to create a permanent network of Local Observatories on the Migrations Governance in Eastern Mediterranean. It will act as a laboratory to elaborate integrated proposals to be implemented in the regional policies focussing on the governance of the migration process. The project envisages networking activities, both cognitive and programmatic, on the fo...
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Background The management of waste is a significant problem in the EU countres, and waste is on the increase; according to the OECD’s estimation, municipal waste will grow by 43% from 1995 to 2020. However, waste as such is not the biggest problem. Over 90% of the natural resources, which man uses, are turned into waste during the production processes u...
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Baltic SeaBreeze (BSB)

Start date: Dec 31, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

The goal for the Baltic SeaBreeze (BSB) project was to increase awareness of the marine pollution situation in the target sectors of fishing, shipping, and leisure craft owners. Focus areas have been environmental issues in guest harbours and marinas, Blue Flag activities, courses for fishermen and seamen, and a media campaign. The ultimate goal of Baltic SeaBreeze was to change the attitudes and ...
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The BSR is characterised by large areas of unspoilt countryside. Because of strong economic problems just in these rural areas tourism seems to be a promising opportunity to support regional development. Sustainability considered as a guiding principle can ensure that such a development will lead to economical benefits without threaten the nature and the social structure. Consequently a lot of sus...
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The InterBaltic project is initiated by the CPMR Baltic Sea Commission and seconded by the Baltic Development Forum, based on the assumption that there will be a considerable increase in transportation and logistics within, to and from, and through the Baltic Sea region. This situation will affect political decisions, business development and living conditions in general.The main objective of this...
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