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Youth Entrepreneurship Strategies (YES)
Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The overall aim of YES, Youth Entrepreneurship Strategies, is to increase the number of entrepreneurs and accelerate European competitiveness. The method for reaching the objectives is integrating an entrepreneurial perspective in the one forum that gathers all European youth, the education system. Studies show that Entrepreneurship in school is an effective way to increase the number of entrepreneurs. 60 % of EU citizen say that setting up a business has never even occurred to them, entrepreneurship is not a preferred career option to most Europeans. By raising awareness and providing entrepreneurial training, the number of Europeans considering entrepreneurship as a career option will increase. The innovative approach of the project, improving regional education policies regarding stimulation of entrepreneurship, will give a direct impact on the participating regions level of entrepreneurship. The link between education and entrepreneurship is recognised amongst others in theSmall Business Act and in the Oslo agenda. The partnership consists of 8 partners from: SE, ES, FI, PL, IE, EE, FR and SK. Six regional governments, a national youth entrepreneurship organisation and the Assembly of European Regions.YES origins from a regional need to develop and work with new methods in order to review regional policies. The need to absorb new knowledge and inspiration on youth entrepreneurship strategies grew larger in the regions as well as the wish for spreading lessons learned and good practice gained. YES will address the policy making process regarding the education systems in order to accelerate economic growth. This will be done by 1) Developing a method for mapping prerequisites for youth entrepreneurship promotion in regional development policies and education system. 2) Conducting a mapping 3) performing a joint interregional analysis where similarities, differences, strengths and weaknesses are identified. 4) The analysis will be transformed into1 national and 6 regional Action plans with policy recommendations for each region/nation, providing the next steps for boosting the number of entrepreneurs involving all relevant key stakeholders. 5) The interregional mapping together with experience from the regional mapping and analysis will result in a Best Practice Guide. The result will be improved policies regarding integration of entrepreneurship in the education system. The long term impact of the project will be an increased number of entrepreneurs and SMEs in partner regions. An effective communication ensures the effect beyond the partners. Establishment of the European network for youth entrepreneurship promotion will ensure duration of project results. The interregional exchange of experiences, joint learning and dissemination of good practice is the interregional added value. The project results will contribute to increased European competitiveness and accelerate regional economic growth in line with the Lisbon agenda. Achievements: The aim of the YES project is to contribute to European competitiveness and to accelerate regional economic growth through promoting the entrepreneurial mindset in the next generation. Thus, the project aims at integrating an entrepreneurial perspective in the education system and increase the number of young entrepreneurs. The project team has previously developed a European model for mapping Entrepreneurship in the Education system. The model has been now implemented in 6 regional mapping and 1 national mapping. The methodology includes 3 main Objectives; 1) Mapping the education system in terms of entrepreneurship, 2) Mapping the entrepreneurship education activities, and 3) Mapping the attitudes and opinions of the relevant actors.The results from the mapping of Objective 1 were reported and summarized in project meeting in Opole (Poland) 2nd and 3rd of February 2011. Furthermore, the first results of Objective 2 were reported in project meeting in Tallinn-Stockholm 11th and 12th May 2011. During this project period the documentation method (a matrix) for the mapping results was agreed. The matrix will give an easy and comparable overview of the situations in partner regions. A survey with 10 common questions to 4 target groups (policy makers, teatchers & headmasters, opinion makers and students) has been completed. The results have been analysed in the interregional mapping team during. 4 reports (1 per target group has been produced). During the projects work group meeting in Murcia, ES the team started the analysis of the survey. Split up in to 4 interregional groups the foundation of the analysis was laid. Differences/similarities and possible underlying issues were discussed. It was decided that 4 reports (one for each target group) would be written and after that the 4 documents will be compiled into an interregional report on the mapping. The mapping with the survey will be the foundation for the regional action plans (RAPS). The RAPS will tackle the issue on how to improve policies. During the Murcia meeting the partnership discussed how the mapping results should be used in the best way for the RAPS.
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  • 76.9%   1 168 559,25
  • 2007 - 2013 Interreg IVC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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7 Partners Participants