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ACE - Acquiring Competences in Europe
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ACE – Acquiring Competences in Europe is the Erasmus + mobility project of Andrássy György Catholic Business Academy of Eger for students in vocational training and its employees. Our institution has been actively participating in the Leonardo da Vinci programme since 2008 and 120 of our students have done their on-the-job training at our international partner institutions. The teachers of the school also participated in Comenius teacher training programmes several times. It is our objective to offer this opportunity to our students and teachers in the future as well. In this two-year project we would like to ensure this possibility for 22 students, 2 accompanying teachers and 20 teachers until 2016. The most important outcome of the project for the vocational students is professional development, acquiring real life work experiences, developing IT and language and also social skills. Our students can apply from all of our vocational groups, that is, from the Economics, Commerce and Tourism classes. Our partners are vocational education institutions in Finland, Germany and Sweden. They all have important experiences in organising on-the-job training. The participants of our project will take part in a preparatory course here in Hungary and then they will do their four-week on-the-job training abroad. We recognise their training and after fulfilling certain conditions they are exempted from attending certain vocational classes. Monitoring tasks and evaluation will be carried out by the accompanying teachers and/or the foreign coordinators on a unified evaluation sheet. During the mobility the students will write a journal and a blog. In the case of our professionals in accordance with their training needs we are applying for teacher training, job shadowing and a study trip. For the teachers of our school methodological renewal is essential and the implementation of new methods is indispensible for the institution. The teachers/professionals will take part in one-, two- and three-week study trips in different countries and different times. The students will report on their experiences in a closing event and we will invite the teachers and the students of our school, the parents of the participants, representatives of the local media, representative of the Heves County Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and also the representative of the Archdiocese of Eger. We will deem it a successful project when our students return home with real life work experiences, better language and IT skills. After the mobility the professionals will give an oral report of their experiences, the newly acquired methods in team meetings. During Andrássy Days the teachers who participated in the project will give presentations and they will also give lessons based on their experiences that the guests can attend. We will invite the teachers of other vocational schools in town and also the Catholic schools from Heves County. The teaching training and the study trip will be successful when we can implement the new methods in the everyday life of our school. The results of the previous teacher training sessions have been successfully embedded into our pedagogical programme. We expect that the project and the on-the-job trainings organised abroad, the study trips will make our school more attractive for primary school pupils. We also wish to make our vocational trainings more practice oriented. It is our long term goal to modernise our vocational training based on European examples. It is part of the strategy for internationalisation of our school to offer our students and teachers to gain experiences in a growing number of countries that they can use here at home.
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5 Partners Participants