Vlad Gogoncea
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
The Municipality of Galati is a local public administrative authority which aims at serving its citizens.
The main responsibilities of a local public administrative authority are:
- public and private domain administration of the city;
- local road transport infrastructure administration;
- local culture institution administration;
- local public sanitary institution administration;
- territory planning and urbanism;
- water supply;
- sewerage
- public lighting;
- sanitation;
- social assistance services (social cases, disabled people);
- local public transport;
- building social houses and houses for the young;
- public order and safety;
- preventing and managing the local urgency situation;
- cultural heritage.
Competencies: organizing the staff of the city hall, institutions and public services of local interest, managing the economic, social and environmental development of the locality, administrating the public and private domain of the locality, managing all public services.
Keywords and matching areas:
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Low-Carbon Economy
Energy Efficiency
Smart Cities
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Smart Cities
Cultural heritage
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Smart Cities
Cultural heritage
Smart Mobility
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Smart Cities
Cultural heritage
Smart Mobility
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Cultural heritage
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