History ANCIV

2 years ago

Vlad Gogoncea

Public Authority


Looking for Partnership

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HistoryAnciv- Conservation, restoration and promotion of historical and cultural heritage in Romania 

Thematic objective: Promotion of local culture and preservation of historical Heritage

Name of the lead beneficiary organisation [in original language] Unitatea Administrativ Teritorială Municipiul Galați   Thematic objective: Promotion of local culture and preservation of historical Heritage   Priority expected results to which the project is expected to contribute: Restored cultural and historical sites that enhance the cross – border touristic potential of the eligible area.

General objective: Increasing potential tourism of Galati county by restoring and capitalizing on the historical-cultural heritage, developing a common strategy for promoting and inter-institutional collaboration for patrimony promotion in Romania.

Specific Objective 1: Increasing tourist attractiveness by 30%

Specific Objective 2: 50% increase in the number of tourists in Galati county

Specific Objective 3: Developing professional skills for 160 students and 80 culture people in the field of management and promotion of cultural and historical heritage

The "HistoryAnciv" project refers to the following specific common problems in Galati: -the lack of tourist attractiveness of the areas concerned due to the lack of investments and the valorisation of the historical-cultural heritage; -local public authorities and cultural institutions do not have sufficient financial means to highlight cultural and historical heritage objectives and to promote them through cross-border cultural events; -project areas and heritage objectives in the areas concerned are not sufficiently promoted due to lack of financial resources or authorities negligence ; -the need for cross-border cooperation and stronger interactions in the field of cultural and historical heritage;

 Cultural heritage

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