Petronia Moraru
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
I am a physics teacher.
I work at a Technical College, my students' age is between 14 and 19.
I finished an Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships for school education, named "BRINGING LIFE INTO THE CLASSROOM: innovative use of mobile devices in the educational process".
Now I finished another KA201 project, ”Science Connect”
As partners, we developed other projects, like ”The teaching approach of STEAM - A meaningful education”, "Under the same sky" or EUROPEAN DIGI CLASS, aiming the digitalization of education provided by my school, in classes, or ;
I want to involve my school for KA1 and KA2 projects, to support my students and their transition to an active life.
We have a KA121-SCH Accreditation so we are willing to cooperate for students mobilities and teachers courses.
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