Ioana Diaconescu
Looking for Partnership Looking for Consultant Looking for Extra EU Funds
I am Associate Professor at the "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati. In the last years I worked as a team member into two national projects which had as research interests the bio-composite materials from renewable resources as the solution for building thermal insulation improvement and also the obtaining of vegetal biostimulants from agricultural post-harvest waste and medicinal plants, to increase the quality of agricultural and horticultural products.
My research interests are on renewable energy technologies, energy efficiency of industrial process, power generation.
Because our University is situated into a agricultural area, with a high potential of biomass resources we are very interested to implement new renewable energy technologies and to increase energy efficiency of technological processes. We also identified some local entrepreneurs willing to work with us into a such a projects.
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Energy Efficiency
Renewable Energy
Sustainable Development
EU Strategy Danube Region
6 years ago
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