Marian Gaiceanu (Integrated Energy Conversion Systems and Advanced Control of Complex Processes Research Center)
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Integrated Energy Conversion Systems and Advanced Control of Complex Processes (IECSACCP)
The infrastructure of the IECSACCP Research Center contains the equipments and software related to the following research directions:
1) Integrated Conversion Systems for Renewable Energies (micro cogeneration, micro trigeneration, photovoltaic, wind);
2) Energy Quality and Energy Efficiency of Centralized and Decentralized Networks;
3) Regenerative Electrical Drives Systems;
4) Automatic Control of Electricity Generation / Consumption Systems (automatic wind power conversion, optimization of electromechanical conversion to classical receivers);
5) Control of the flexible manufacturing lines and integrated robots.
Domains of activity: Energy Engineering Facilities (non-nuclear)Electrical and Optical Engineering FacilitiesAerospace and Aerodynamics Research FacilitiesRenewable Energy, Power Quality, Wheeled Mobile Robot, Flexible Manufacturing Mechatronics line
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