Regional Energy Agency of Pazardjik
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Profile of the Regional Energy Agency of Pazardjik – legal set up
The Regional Energy Agency of Pazardjik (REAP) is an association of local authorities from Pazardzhik Province. It was established under the Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) Programme with the support of the Pazardzhik Regional Administration in 2005. Main purpose of REAP is to encourage the development of sustainable energy through local and regional actions for energy efficiency (EE), renewable energy sources (RES), and sustainable ;The Agency offers support to local and regional authorities in achieving their objectives and strategic planning for renewable energies, as well as development of a range of initiatives with other local, regional and foreign organizations.
Among main priorities of REAP are: EE and RES projects identification and development, energy efficiency in buildings, development of sustainable energy communities, EE and RES in SMEs, sustainable mobility, biofuels and transportation.
REAP is an active member of:
- The Association of Bulgarian Energy Agencies (ABEA)
- EE and RES Committee of the Pazardzhik Regional Administration
- Work groups for development of normative documents in the field of energy efficiency of the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism
Main domain of activities:
- Energy audits of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), and buildings – residential and public;
- Promotion of EE, RES, and sustainable urban mobility strategies, policies and practices at local/regional level;
- Dissemination of Best European practices in the area of rational use of energy, utilization of RES, and sustainable urban mobility;
- To encourage international programs that focus on the financing and marketing of projects which emphasize on energy efficiency;
- Development, implementation and funding of energy efficiency projects through energy performance contracting involving ESCOs;
- Awareness raising campaigns, and training in the area of energy efficiency, RES, and sustainable mobility.
Main priorities and expertise of the Agency:
REAP is well-known at local and regional level, identifying and developing new energy projects, as well as promoting energy efficiency and clean energies, with specific view on energy consumption issues, and providing practical ways for individuals, communities and businesses to improve their energy management.
The main priorities of the agency are: energy efficiency and implementation of renewable energies in buildings and SMEs; development of sustainable energy communities; mobility management; and energy/environmental education. Since its establishment in 2005, REAP has participated in many international and national projects and initiatives establishing good collaborations at local, regional, and EU ;
REAP is an expert organization promoting the efficient and sustainable use of energy, renewable energies, and sustainable mobility. Its services are utilized by public administrations, business communities, and consumers. It carries out feasibility studies, energy analysis, energy projects identification, development, and management. The Agency assists local authorities from Pazardjik Province in preparing and execution of their Energy Efficiency Plans which is set in the "Law for Energy Efficiency" published in Official Gazette № 98 from 2008. The EE Plans and Programmes for their execution are being developed in compliance with the National Strategy under article 7 in the "Law for Energy Efficiency" and in compliance with the National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency, incorporating the specific details of the Regional Development Strategy and Local Development ;
The experts within REAP are experienced in applying integrated approaches, analysis, and solutions that encourage local authorities and communities to develop and implement sustainable strategies, plans and projects. The experts’ professional expertise covers a wide variety of energy, economic and financial analysis, policy advice, project management, writing and promotion. Some of the experts passed the Bulgarian state courses on energy efficiency in buildings and SMEs, as well as the course for energy efficiency in buildings of the University of Burgos and they are authorized to perform energy audits and analysis.
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Low-Carbon Economy
Energy Efficiency
Intelligent Energy
Renewable Energy
Sustainable Development
Sustainable Transport
Project Planning
Territorial Cooperation
8 years ago
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