EYES Association
Looking for Partnership Looking for Consultant Looking for Extra EU Funds
EYES strives for a democratic and diverse Europe, which is socially, economically and politically integrated, and values the participation of young people in its construction and development.
EYES empowers young people in Europe to take an active role in society. It creates a space for dialogue and learning opportunities as well as acts as their representative towards decision-makers. Moreover, it strengthens mutual understanding and brings Europe closer to young people.
The Education and Youth Empowerment Society (EYES) is a not for profit organization, located in Sofia, Bulgaria working to motivate youth by means of one caring and supportive environment.
EYES is working in the field of VET and services covering the main functional areas of activities and methodology of informal - in company training, innovative training methods, materials and modules fostering entrepreneurship, transfer of innovations etc. to promote the entrepreneurship; non-formal and informal learning to fostering active citizenship and participation of young people in diverse and tolerant societies and preventing marginalisation, radicalisation potentially resulting in violent behaviour. Our youth work is an effective contribution to preventing radicalization of young people excluded from social and civic life, who are difficult to reach and encourage their active citizenship and participation, offline and online.
Our association works for building social bridges, developing and realizing of soft skills trainings, incl. diversity management, enhancing work-life balance and the compatibility of work with caregiving responsibilities.
We do research, develop and implement the experiences, principles, and policies, connected with coexistence and communication between different communities, the principles of civil society and gender mainstreaming, European policies and values.
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Education and Training
European social fund (ESF)
5 years ago
Capacity Building
Social Innovation
Social Affaires and Inclusion
Education and Training
Adult Learning
Higher Education
European social fund (ESF)
EEA and Norway Grants
5 years ago
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