Personnel Holding
Looking for Partnership
Currently looking for partners to answer the following call VP/2018/014
Preparatory action: Reactivate - Intra-EU job mobility scheme for unemployed over 35s
Personnel Holding AD is an organization specialized in human resources management, personnel training and qualification, development and management of projects financed by the European Union. Our services cover the full range of activities necessary for the organization and management of the labour processes as an integral part of the successful business of our clients.
The highly qualified team of experts is able to support the Holding clients’ ideas and to meet all the requirements of their business operations. The organization operates in cooperation with several networks of partners within the European Union and constantly develops its international activities. Personnel Holding AD also manages 5 vocational training centers within Bulgaria, which are able to provide a wide range of vocational trainings and training in key competencies.
Personnel Holding AD offers professional support and mentoring services for new entrepreneurs and start-up companies in order to help them develop their innovative and creative ideas. The company offers also small co-working spaces and facilities to those young companies.
Personnel Holding AD is a reliable partner in the implementation of the following activities:
- Vocational training and development;
- Recruitment and selection of personnel for working at home and abroad;
- Analysis and design of systems for human resources management;
- Maintenance and administration of systems for personnel management;
- Development and implementation of projects under European and national programmes;
- Services related to ensuring health and safety working conditions;
- Organization and management of labor and industrial relations;
- Organizational consulting: marketing research, business plans, foreign trade deals, investment projects, projects for funding;
- Accounting services for companies and organizations.