Youth Association for Sport and Tourism
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Youth Association for Sport and Tourism “Zdravetz” was created at the beginning of 2009 with the primary objective to enable young adults by providing some of the tools they will require to succeed in their future. By promoting active social participation through sports, cultural programs and travel we broaden their mind-view, improve teamwork and social skills.
Some of the main objectives of the association are:
To promote forms of informal education and create opportunities for social skills of young people according to their interests in the areas of sports, creativity and cultural dialogue, prevention of risky behavior, civic involvement and volunteerism, healthy lifestyle and experience in business;
• To promote preservation, improvement and development of sporting and local traditional activities by organizing events or festivals;
• To encourage involvement of disadvantaged young people by working to eliminate barriers that might otherwise preclude their participation;
• To support the social policy of the state and society in the field of youth activities, recreation, social tourism and sport.
The association is involved in the preparation of analysis and advice on the related issues, developing, organizing and delivering of training programs, organizing and running of sport events, publishing brochures, newsletters. We work in collaboration with schools, public and private organisations to ensure success of our projects.
Youth Association for Sport and Tourism as a project partner would be able to play an active role on all levels for the projects implementation and successful delivery:
• Analyse partner’s needs for project implementation
• Organise (developing and running) of training and assessment sessions
• Conduct surveys, collect relevant information from both formal and informal sources on the project ;
• Engage variety of stakeholders and facilities into the project and ensure clear and accurate communication and information exchange at all times before, during and after the project period in a timely manner;
• Provide support to reach project’s outcome and ensuring the quality of the same by testing and qualifying before final delivery;
• Organise and run project meetings, seminars and workshops
• Promote project results and disseminate the project outcome among all our stakeholders.