Jul 14, 2021
Looking for Extra EU Funds
About Me
We are a non-profit Romanian organisation registered in 1997 in Bacau, NE Romania
Our vision: to create a world where human rights are respected and people have access to adequate, high quality services provided by professionals in their own community.
Our mission:
- to support the vulnerable people in the community through social, medical and educational programmes;
- to raise the public awareness towards those people’s needs;
- to promote local communities’ development;
- to encourage partnerships between all stakeholders
With a team of 130 employees and 250 volunteers we serve yearly over 5,000 people:
Integrated services for the elderly:
- Home care services in rural areas located on the east of Bacau County
- Home care services: Bacau city
- Ciobanu (“Speranta”) day care centre for the active seniors
- Residential care: Milly’s Village of the Seniors
Integrated services for disadvantaged children and families
- “Club with Glue”: day centres, medical, social and educational services in rural areas
- “Mosaic centre” Bacau: Support of the families – social services for the impoverished families and their children
- IMPART – community arts work for people with disabilities
Volunteering programme – involving high-school teenagers in community services
We are interested in the “Social Services Helpdesk”
Keywords and matching areas:
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