Municipality of Dibër
Looking for Partnership
Dibra is a town situated in the Eastern North of Albania along Drini River. Generally known for its thermal water, it is located within a basin surrounded by mountains standing up to 2751m (9,026 feet) above sea level. Dibra is border with: Bulqiza, Mirdita, Kosovo, Macedonia and has a surface about km2.
General Data and contacts:
- Country: Albania
- Population: 79,097
- Area: 1001 km2
- E-mail:
Providing balance social equity, environmental integrity and progressive economic development in community.
We strive to serve the best interests of the Dibra community by providing quality services, managing growth and supporting residents to lead healthy, safe, vibrant and productive lives, while protecting our local environment.
Within the framework of new territorial reform, the Municipality of Dibra has identifies the following priority areas:
- Economic Development
- Tourism Development
- Agriculture Development
- Environment protection
- Social welfare
Economic Development
There are many things that can be done for Dibra economy, which focuses on agriculture and is concentrated in rural areas. Some of the key projects that are set to be implemented in the near future are:
- Establishing and supporting of producer group of Medicinal plants
- Establishing and supporting of a craftsman group
- Establishing and supporting of Beekeeping Producers' Group
This grouping of craftsmen, beekeepers and other producers would enable to make them more competitive in the domestic and wider markets.
Tourism Development
Tourism is one of the most priority sectors in Dibra. Beautiful landscape offers mountain tourism, hiking, camping and also encourages curative tourism offered by thermal baths. At present, tourism meets the needs of more than 12,000 visitors a year, this thanks to investments in hotels, inns and projects offered by the municipality in the framework of tourism. Some of the main projects that Dibra Municipality intends to put in life in the future are:
- Building new tourist trails unknown by tourists so far that will give more opportunities for tourists to visit different places and follow new guides when they visit Dibra or Albania.
- Infrastructure support which will promote the development of various mountain sports such as mountaineering, parachuting, skiing, rafting, hiking etc.
- Supporting the opening of 500 hosting houses which will increase accommodation capacities in different tourist trails and will be an opportunity to explore Dibra traditional food and hospitality.
- Protection and promotion of 41 natural monuments as an opportunity to preserve these monuments and promote them to a wider scale.
- Marking of the archaeological local sites for tourist orientation.
- Establishment of Dibra Ethnographic Museum.
Environment protection
Dibra is pursuing an integrated approach to environmental management and seeks to strike a balance between environmental conservation and development. However, the environmental challenges in the municipality are issues that relate to: Waste management, Land and water protection, Sustainability of the natural environment, Protection of forests and lakes. The main projects drafted by the municipality to put in life in the future are:
- Protection of communal forests.
- Application of the sustainable forest management methods for the National park of Lura and other green areas such as Prat, Palgjajt, Bufell
- Establish a waste management system at the Municipality level.
Agriculture Development
Agriculture is a vital sector for development of rural areas and economy in general. This is related as well with the tradition and the large number of villages (141) that are situated in Dibra municipality, where of employed people work in this sector. The main projects in which the Municipality of Dibra has set its focus:
- Increasing the fruit sown area by more than 50% of the land surface
- Support for the creation of 4 pilot Agricultural Union Association
- Certification of local products under the brand name "Dibra” products
Social welfare
Social welfare program in Municipality of Dibra is designed to protect citizens from the economic risks and insecurities of life. The most common types of programs provide benefits to the elderly or retired, the sick or invalid, the unemployed, the work-injured and families. Some of the key projects in the field of social welfare are:
- Establishing a shelter for supporting Victims of Violence
- Establishing a Center for supporting People with Disabilities
- Establishing a Youth Center
The Municipality of Dibra is expanding its network of collaborations in order to provide better services for the citizens of Peshkopi. Dibra is open to new collaborations to put in life various projects to achieve new standards that will bring us close of European Union.