Balkan Foundation for Sustainable Development - BFSD
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
The Balkan Foundation for Sustainable Development (BFSD) is a regional non-governmental organization established in 2005. Its main objective to facilitate and support economic, social and environmentally sustainable development in North Macedonia, and the South-East Europe region. The BFSD tools for action are: project design and management at national and regional level; contributing technical expertise and knowledge and conducting desk and field research; applied research supporting informed decision-making; design and implementation of surveys, focus groups discussions and community information sessions, development and implementation of the Advocacy Action Plan(s), developing policy dialogue and influencing policy-makers; development and implementation of the Stakeholder Engagement Plan(s) and facilitation of the stakeholder consultations; design and implementation of public awareness campaigns at local and national level; support to the public administration, CSO and communities capacity building; IT - design, information systems and GIS based interactive maps; organisation of various events: workshops, roundtables and study tours; international/regional cooperation, networking and building public, private and CSO sector partnerships; conducting non-formal environmental education and introducing agricultural and forest pedagogy practices; publishing, fundraising, marketing and social media. BFSD have provided practical and professional support for a number of development initiatives in the field of environment, agriculture, forestry and sustainable development. We have also prepared planning and implementing documents for several development initiatives focused on nature protection and local community development. BFSD has a proven experience in implementing projects financed through EU and Global Environmental Facility-GEF / United Nations Environment Programme-UNEP. As such we served as a local partner in the implementation of the project: “Support to FYR Macedonia for development of National Action Programs (NAP) aligned to the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy and Reporting Process under UNCCD” (2014-2018), and the several actions related to the project: “Achieving Biodiversity Conservation through Creation and Effective Management of Protected Areas and Mainstreaming Biodiversity into Land Use Planning” (2016-2021).
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Forest Resources
Development and Cooperation
Cross-border cooperation
EU Strategy Adriatic-Ionian Region
Horizon Europe
LIFE programme
3 months ago
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