Bashkia Roskovec
The municipality of Roskovec is bordered to the north and west by the municipality of Lushnjë, to the south by the municipality of Mallakastër, to the east by the municipality of Dimal, and to the west by the municipality of Patos. The Municipality of Roskovec consists of 4 (four) administrative units and has under the administration of the city of Roskovec and 14 villages, the capital of the Municipality is the city of Roskovec.
Population: According to the Census of 2011, the new municipality of Roskovec has 21,742, while in the Civil Registry the registered population is 32,763 inhabitants. The new municipality has a footprint of 118.01 km2. Based on the population number from the census, the population density of the new municipality is 184 inhabitants per square kilometer, while based on the civil density register, the number is 263.33 inhabitants/km2.
During the last decades, the area has had a large influx of population.
The municipality lies partly in Ros on the Patos-Marinze oil tanker, which is known as the largest source of air in continental Europe.
Economic development
The main income of the residents of the agriculture sector, in which many residents of the area are self-employed. Trading units, spending and their industry are the sectors that work hard for the residents of the city of Roskovec.
Economic activity in Roskovec, especially in terms of agriculture, has increased in the last 5 years. One of the other groups of the large number are the fruits of the greenhouses and collection points of import-export of fruits and vegetables in the area.Agriculture, livestock, agro-industry, tourism, trade and services are the main economic sectors. Agriculture in the main economic sector with 60% of enterprises being in these sectors, although it is characterized by a small number of small family farms.Cultivation of fruits and vegetables in greenhouses, olive trees and vineyards are characteristic of Roskovec agriculture.
At a time when the national economy is integrated and oriented towards local production branches, the development of agricultural and livestock collection centers, branding, certification and promotion of local products are expected to consolidate the image and competitiveness of the agricultural sector of Roskovec Municipality not only in the national market but also in the international one.
The market, high quality and the possibility of "Bio" certification of local products ranks the agricultural sector as one of the main economic activities of the municipality.
Tourism: The municipality of Roskovec, although small in territory, has 2 cultural monuments, the Church of "St. Kolli" and the Church of St. George".
The Church of Saint Kol is located in Kurjan, it is a 13th century monument, built in the Byzantine style. The wall paintings that decorate the interior of the church are the works of the iconographer Nicholas, Onufri's son, and his assistant John.
The Church of "Saint George" in the village of Strum is one of the rare cultural assets for the entire district of Fier. After being saved from destruction by the socialist regime, this historical object is now awaiting a restoration to restore its former glory. The church enjoys the status of a Cultural Monument since 1970
Black Swamp" is a natural monument located in the village of Strum, before reclamation it created a large water basin, the Swamp has stood the test of time and is original with wild underwater reeds, fish, birds and black water, never exhausting. Unique in Albania, with a water source, but the cause of the black color has never been found.
Road infrastructure: The municipality of Roskovec currently has a territory which is 100% covered with access from the villages towards the center but also in areas of tourist interest.
The road infrastructure within the neighborhoods and villages of this municipality remains to be improved.
Youth and youth employment
Young people make up 35% of the entire population of Roskovec Municipality, while the number of young people in rural administrative units is even lower than the average of the municipality.
The Municipality of Roskovec has entrusted more than 50% of the employees in the administration to young people under the age of 30.
The municipality has prepared a series of economic policies to help young people and marginalized groups. Currently, a number of policies and programs have been developed in cooperation with other organizations and different donors, such as: support with training, professional training, material-based support, the opening of new businesses, etc.
Project in progres:
Project: Revitalization of the Kurjan community center school for better access for young people and disadvantaged groups.
Grant Scheme: EU for socio-economic development (as an alternative to drug cultivation and trafficking), second call
Implementation period: October 2022- August 2025