Dr.Med.Gazmend Bojaj,MD,Ph.D,FCIML
Gazmend BOJAJ, MD, PhD, FCIML(Hon), FWONCA, is a
Professor of General Practice and Primary Health Care and Public
Health in PCM at the College of Medicine, University Heimerer and
Head of Family Medicine at the Principal Family Medicine Center in
Klina, Kosovo. With a passion for the importance and the value of
PHC and Family Medicine, Gazmend is actively involved in the
development of Primary Care and General Practice in Kosovo.
He currently co-ordinates a thriving GP network with more than 20
GPs, and is also responsible for the supervision of a number of PhD
students. Gazmend is the member of EQuiP ( European association
for quality in general practice/family medicine) and his research team
at the University of Tirana are involved in four FP7 European funded
projects (one as coordinator), in two Third Health Programme for the
Union's action in the field of health 2014-2020 – CHAFEA and
currently in one HORIZON 2020. Gazmend is involved in an editorial
and advisory capacity with a number of international journals. He also
is a member of the Executive Boards of various professional
organisations including that of EQuiP Working Party on personalized
primary care (PPC) rolling.
He has been awarded as Honorary Fellow for the Royal College of
General Practitioners and Chartered Institute of Management and
Leadership, the World Organization of National Colleges, Academies
and Academic Associations of General Practitioners/Family
Physicians and the European Society of Cardiology. Gazmend has
published 24 papers in international journals (cited in PubMed).
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5 years ago
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