Francesco Brianzi
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Francesco is Assessor for Youth Policies, University & Research, Next Generation EU, Agenda 2030, EU Projects for the Piacenza Municipality.
He strengthened the Piacenza Youth Office and Informagiovani, also establishing the European Projects, Agenda 2030, Participation and Quality Office, as well as a special PNRR/Next Generation EU unit. He has been involved in numerous calls and co-design projects related to youth of regional, national, and European relevance (on the themes of aggregation, employment, orientation, integration, creativity, urban safety, street art, etc.), which led, in the first year and a half of administration to the attraction in Piacenza of about one and a half million euros in dedicated funding. He has launched two new researches, on the condition of youth (with IRESS, Bologna) and on the relationship between youth and work (with Istituto Toniolo, Milan) in Piacenza, also working for the consolidation and strengthening of Piacenza's universities and research sector, in the attraction of new talent and student’s initiatives (for which it has attracted with dedicated projects additional funds). He is spearheading the implementation in Piacenza of the ATUSS Regional Strategy (about 10 million investments, part of the ERDF - European Regional Development Fund) that will lead, among other interventions, to the redevelopment of the city's most important Library "Passerini-Landi" and the creation of a Community Hub at Spazio 2, the largest youth center in the city. He also launched the "Piacenza 2030" Call for Proposals, aimed at supporting the proposals of associations in the under-35 bracket, invited to try their hand at designing and concretizing, in the local sphere, initiatives related to the goals of Agenda 2030, also in terms of community awareness. “Piacenza 2030” led to the City of Piacenza winning the "Cresco Award Città Sostenibili" at ANCI 2023 and getting on the shortlist for the "Cittadini del Futuro" special mention in the national event Future4Cities, organized by Will Media.