Fabio Di Salvadore
Senior Manager with strong professional experience in big-mid corporates, innovative startups and management consulting firms, with a solid expertise in business planning and management and a relevant track records in R&D projects and innovative initiatives for the evolution and the digital transformation of businesses in various sectors and application domains.
With a full-mark Degree in Business Administration at University of Genoa and a strong further education and training evidence, he practiced various business experiences for Management Consulting firms, private SMEs, innovative StartUps and Large Corporations, in Italy and abroad, holding different responsibilities in R&D&I, Business Planning, Internationalization, Marketing, Training and Coaching programs.
Since 2009, he coordinated the management of special projects concerning Innovation, Industrial Research and Experimental Development co-funded under Regional, National and European Programmes, in partnership with widely known Universities, Industrial and Service Corporations, in Italy and at an international level.
Since 2013, he mentored different innovative start-ups, which directly contributed to raise and develop.
Over the course of last 11 years of "Project Funding" management activity, within the grouping of private companies and, lately, as an independent consultant, he participated in 35 overall initiatives, of which 10 on Direct European Management (HORIZON2020, EIT, ICC, others), 7 of shared management / ESI Funds (ERDF and ESF), 7 National PACs (Ministries, other Institutions and Funds), 4 territorial Cooperation (INTERREG), 5 regional and interregional (Local Public Administrations, Foundations) and 3 local ones (Chambers of Commerce).
The main sectors of applications have been: Digital Payments and Value Added Services Platforms, Rewarding Systems, E-Learning and Training, Territorial Development and Cooperation, Sustainability.
He is co-author of 7 published publications of which scientific articles and conference papers, mostly regarding pilot projects findings and innovative models in the domains of Technology Enhanced Learning, STEM, Game-Based Learning and Gamification Systems.
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Enterprise and Industry
Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Start Up
Creative Industries
Cultural heritage
Culture and Development
Film and Media
Human Sciences
Project Management
2 years ago
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