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39 European Projects Found

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Youth for change

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

...rofit organization of additional education "Centre "Initiative" (Russia), Beit Hagefen Arab Jewish Culture (Israel) and Asociación Building Bridges (Spain) acting as receiving organisations and All-Ukrainian association for youth cooperation “Alternative-V” and IVO-SVIT (Ukraine) and Human Supporters Association (Palestine) acting as sending organisations. Activities planned will take place during ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2014,

Six EVS volunteers from Spain will be working for 2,5 months in Donetsk region, eastern part of Ukraine in different communities. The volunteers will be hosted in the Donetsk regional branch of All-Ukrainian Association for Youth Cooperation "Alternative-V". The project aims both at social and personal development of volunteers through giving them opportunities for intercultural learning, developm ...
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Ecological Culture Orientation LIFE

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

The youth-exchange “Ecological Culture Orientation LIFE” (“ECO LIFE”) will be organized by all-Ukrainian Association for Youth Cooperation "Alternative-V" in Mariupol, Donetsk region, Ukraine within Youth in Action program in August-September 2012. The project will last 9 days, including travel days. The involved 8 countries are Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Finland, Georgia, Latvia, Poland, Ukrai ...
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Start date: Apr 15, 2013,

The youth-exchange “Make a Difference” (“MAD”) will be hosted by All-Ukrainian Association for Youth Cooperation Alternative-V in Luhansk, Luhansk region in June 2013. The project will last 8 days, plus 2 travel days. The involved 8 countries are Armenia, Moldova, Georgia, Estonia, Italy, Netherlands, France Ukraine (32 participants + 8 group leaders + 2 support staff).The aim of the project is to ...
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EVS - Assistant to Eid Frivilligsentral

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

...project with 4 participants from Armenia, Germany, Ukraine and Hungary. European partners in the prosject are Armenian Progressive Youth, Armenia, Jugendwerk der AWO Wuerttemberg e.V., Germany, All-Ukrainian Association for Youth Co-operation Alternative-V, Ukraine og Fiatalok a Vidékért Egyesület, Hungary. The project lasts for 12 months from 25.08.2016 - 24.08.2017. The total duration of the ...
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The training course "Manage the Future - Build Partnerships" focuses on international project management, value of partnerships and participation of young people. In this projet we have 12 NGO´s(from EU and Caucasus) and 24 participantes. The venue gone be in Rio Maior and Arrouquelas, and happens from 02 to 10 May 2015. The training course aims to support sustainable partnerships and high quality ...
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Re-START through Outdoor

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2014,

lot above
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YE Let's change the perspective

Start date: Dec 1, 2013,

The Youth Exchange is designed for multicultural learning through team-work and promotion of volunteerism as a way to raise knowledge and employability. During the 10 days of the exchange, participants would have few practical lessons of creating a short movie script, planning the scenes on paper, filming the designed scenes and the final editing of filmed material. The filming will be only the te ...
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YE Who will remember me?

Start date: Dec 1, 2013,

The main theme of the youth exchange “Who will remember me?” is raising European awareness and environmental protection in the region of participating countries. This is a follow up project and special focus during project will be on youth participation in implementation of EU Bird and Habitat Directive and protection of endangered species in Europe.Objectives of this youth exchange are in cohesi ...
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Let's Bridge The Gap!

Start date: Feb 1, 2013,

Let’s Bridge The Gap! (LBTG) is a training course under Action 3.1 of the YiA, that will be hosted by CESIE in Palermo, Italy in a course of 9 days. The TC will involve 42 participants from 15 EU&EECA-Eastern Europe&Caucasus countries (Italy, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Netherlands, Ukraine). TC will promote the ...
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Start date: Apr 1, 2012,

“Peace towards a new World” is an 8 -day TC under the 3.1 Youth Action that will be held in Palermo (Italy). It is targeted to youth working with young people with fewer opportunities and it involves youth from 15 organizations: 8 from EU (Italy, Malta, Lithuania, Netherlands, Greece, Romania, Slovenia, Bulgaria) and 7 from Eastern Europe and the Caucasus region (Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine, Mol ...
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The project “The Crossroads of the Pre-Christian Heritage” is designed as a youth exchange of 10 working days, which would be held in mountainous town Aghavnadzor, Armenia, from 8 till 18 April 2013. The main theme of the exchange is the pre-Christian (pagan) culture in the European countries and beyond. In the youth exchange 30 participants from 6 countries (Armenia, Ukraine, Moldova, Bulgaria, L ...
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YE Soul Connection

Start date: Jan 8, 2013,

The YE “Soul Conection” is a project dealing with dance choreography as a tool for expression of one’s opinion on a given matter.The aim of this youth exchange would be to draw a choreography picture about how young people see poverty and marginalized groups in their countries and how they see their inclusion in the mainstream society. Participants would use dances from national popular cultures a ...
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YE Two steps backward and a smile

Start date: Mar 18, 2012,

Volunteering is an active expression of civic participation which strengthens European values such as solidarity and social cohesion. Involvement in voluntary activities can provide people with new skills and competences that can even improve their employability. Volunteering plays important role in sectors as varied and diverse as education, youth, culture, sport, environment, health, social care ...
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Le projet " Quartiers en crise, jeunesses en mouvement " permettra à 64 jeunes en fonction de leurs motivations et capacités de partir dans des projets de 3 semaines à 9 mois chez 22 associations partenaires, dans l'Union Européenne, les pays voisins et le reste du monde.- Ils pourront s'expérimenter ainsi sur des activités sociales, culturelles et d'animation.Destiné à des jeunes habitants de qua ...
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I Work to Get a Work

Start date: Aug 10, 2012,

A training course will bring together 24 unemployed youth, youth organizations, policy makers, researchers to support their professional and personal development by providing them with useful tools and methods for employability-oriented coaching for international youth work and within the framework of Youth in Action Programme. The project will stimulating young unemployed people's active partic ...
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Let's meet in Nuenen

Start date: Aug 1, 2008,

Four different organisations welcome one volunteer in their organisation in the village of Nuenen. In the 12 months during the EVS program, four EVS volunteers will become familiar with the various active organisations in a small village in the south of the Netherlands. During this one year, the four EVS volunteers will live together while working 20 hours a week, each at a different organisation ...
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The social capital generated by volunteering plays a key role in economic regeneration of any society. Where poverty is endemic to an area, poor communities lack friends and neighbors able to help. Thus, voluntary mutual aid or self-help is an important safety net. This model works well within a state because there is a national solidarity in times of adversity and more prosperous groups will usua ...
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As youth leaders we often use games and activities as informal teaching methods. The activities give the youth a chance to have fun, work together, learn about themselves and improve a variety of skills. But are our activities having the desired affects? Debriefing is a method of questioning participants after an activity in order to facilitate the ‘experience’ becoming ‘learning’. Without debrief ...
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Gateways to the OTHER...

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

The project “Gateways to the OTHER...” is designed as a a Partnership Building Activity of 5 working days (excluding travel), which will be held in Armenia, Tsakhkadzor from the 17th of September till 21th of September 2012. The main themes of the project are the Intercultural dimension of EVS and building a Network of like-minded EVS organisation. Representatives of active EVS organisations will ...
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...ays including travel days. There will be 8 countries who will take part in this youth exchange and we are expecting 8 participants per country (6 youngsters plus 2 leaders) balancing the genders. Ukrainian group will have 6 youngsters and 3 group leaders.Target group of this project are young people aged between 16-18 years. We expect that people who are taking part in this Youth Exchange already ...
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Youth and Community Creative Development (III) is a group EVS project developed in Palermo, Sicily wteh CE.S.I.E asthe hosting organisation. The volunteers will coinè from four countries - France, Spain, UK, Ukraine - thus ensuringcultural diversityThe project will be developed in two phases (4 volunteers for "each phase for 9 months each: total 8 volunteers ) andthere will be an overlapping momen ...
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No labels, please!

Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

Center for Promotion of Healthy Lifestyles - Center E8 proposes to host a Training entitled “No labels, please!” for 30 young people from Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Kosovo Macedonia, Greece, Romania, Italy, Ukraine and Russia from 20th – 27th February 2012 in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. Main goal of this project is raising awareness about the issue of discrimination and the importance of co ...
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Compose Your Competences

Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

Compose your Competences is a 10-day training course, 25 April – 04 May 2012 in Hollókő, Hungary, organised and hosted by Egyesek Youth Association. Participants are 32 youth workers and volunteers of 15 organisations from 13 countries (Serbia, Macedonia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine, Turkey, Portugal, Spain, Romania, Lithuania, Netherlands and Hungary) supported by 2 trainers & 4 support ...
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Volunteers For Tolerance

Start date: May 1, 2008,

With this group EVS project, we give impulse to the participation of the less opportunity youth in the EVS program. In this project 12 youth organizations joined together to create an intercultural learning opportunity for young people who normally do not have the possibility to participate in EVS. Based on the experience of an exchange 'Peace in Youth' with the post conflict countries, we want to ...
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Seeing every day the need for a dialogue, respect and understanding that today’s Europe faces, defined space for training course that will collect 27!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! young people from different parts of Europe which will explore religion, identity and culture and start an inter-religious dialogue which will fight Islamophobia. Therefore this training course with gather youth workers, lea ...
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Fusion for chance

Start date: Mar 1, 2012,

Egyesek Youth Association is again making the change happen in Nógrád in one of the poorest region in Hungary. We started our successful project with a Group EVS in 2010 and continued with an International Voluntary Camp in 2011 where we had 20 volunteers from 8 different countries from all over the world. In 2011 we managed to improve our project so we organized playsessions for 120 roma kids in ...
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Be cool - be sustainable!

Start date: Dec 10, 2012,

The 7-day training course will be held in suburbs of Kyiv for 40 youth leaders, youth workers, active volunteers from 6 countries of EECA region (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine) and 11 programme countries (Bulgaria, Estonia, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, the United Kingdom, Turkey). Main topic of the training - sustainable lifestyle in ev ...
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"Steps Forward"

Start date: Mar 1, 2012,

The 21st Century brings unprecedented opportunities for improving the human condition and relation. Seizing these opportunities requires planning now and including all generations. Achieving a collaboration between generations in the 21st century depends on new vision of inclusiveness and a new social contract between generations that recognizes the initiatives and abilities of youth and the ski ...
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The project PEERS’CARAVAN Young Trainers for Inclusion is a training course-Action 3.1 and will be 7 days long. It will be run in Rispescia (GR), Italy and the association Lunaria will be the hosting. The participants will be 43 and the country involved are Denmark, Italy, Belgium, France, Greece, Slovakia, Germany, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Spain, Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Ukraine, Moldova ...
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YiA – Youth Involve Actively

Start date: May 1, 2012,

Veuillez fournir une brève description de votre projet (10 à 15 lignes environ). Veuillez noter que si votre projet venait à être accepté, ce paragraphe pourrait être utilisé dans le cadre d’une publication. Pour cette raison, nous vous demandons d’être précis et de mentionner les lieux, le type de SVE de votre projet, les thèmes, les objectifs, la durée du(des) Service(s) (en mois), les pays conc ...
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Gender connection

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

The partnership-building activity “Gender Connection” is designed to provide the opportunity for youth workers, project managers and youth leaders working with youth in Programme countries and Eastern Europe and Caucasus (EECA) to meet, to build the common understanding on gender issues, to discuss the challenges of gender equality in youth work, to discover how to build good quality projects with ...
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Europe needs active citizens and participation, because democratic societies are based on them. Therefore citizens must be encouraged and involved in participation for their own good. The idea of European Citizenship is based on the efforts of participation by the citizens themselves. The youth of Europe plays a crucial role in there. They are becoming decision-makers in the future. But before the ...
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Project title: Youth work through intercultural learning.Youth Exchange 3.1 (EaP window)Partner Countries: Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia.The project which will take place on 20-30, July 2014 (eleven-day-youth exchange including travel days) will let the young people to know that we work together and learn from each other. During the exchange the participants will present th ...
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Peering in Peering Out

Start date: Dec 5, 2013,

The existence of "devilish" and "anti-democratic" groups is a very painful problem , which has recently and unfortunately penetrated in different countries and specially the last time became quite active in East Europe and Caucasus. The participants from 6 countries will have 10 days to discuss the above mentioned issues, to realize their influence on youngsters’ life, to get the right understandi ...
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The applicant, Europejskie Forum Mlodziezy, will host the ‘Evaluating EVS projects for youth in difficulty’ seminar in Dlugopole, Poland from 25th to 28th October 2012.The aim of the seminar is to evaluate short and long term EVS projects that are dedicated to youth with fewer opportunities. We and our partners have been hosting and sending youngsters for many years but we have never had a real op ...
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The 7-day-lasting international training course ULTRA – beyond exclusion deals with how to efficiently use non-formal learning methods to sustainably foster inclusion and empower young people with limited access to civic life and self-realisation. It aims at enabling facilitators, trainers and activity leaders in international youth work and in Youth in Action projects to design, facilitate, debri ...
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TC “PR + NGO = Work well done”

Start date: Dec 1, 2012,

The TC “PR + NGO = Work well done” aims at developing the quality of youth activities and capabilities of civil society organizations in the youth field for improving public relations considering volunteer projects with giving opportunity to participants for acquiring skills for further development of voluntary organizations. This training course aims at improvement of the participant’s competenc ...
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