Search for European Projects

Start date: Jan 1, 2014,

Six EVS volunteers from Spain will be working for 2,5 months in Donetsk region, eastern part of Ukraine in different communities. The volunteers will be hosted in the Donetsk regional branch of All-Ukrainian Association for Youth Cooperation "Alternative-V". The project aims both at social and personal development of volunteers through giving them opportunities for intercultural learning, development of new skills, acquiring new knowledge and raising European awareness, as well as at local communities development – through promotion of active participation of young people in the life of their local communities and through building partnerships on the local and international levels. First, volunteers will arrive to Donetsk, where they will have orientation and preparation time. During first 2 weeks volunteers with the support of the local host - Donetsk Regional branch of AUAYC "Alternative-V", will develop workshops for the schoolchildren according to volunteers' interests and previous experience on varied topics, such as arts and crafts, culture, environmental sustainability and other. After 2 weeks passed, volunteers will be visiting different towns within the region, where they will be working with children of different social groups and activating local youth at schools, youth and children centres, local educational and care institutions, local children and youth NGOs. Each week there will be a voluntary action together with the local community aiming at empowerment of the local community and specifically - local youth people, for example, cleaning the park or paining the school desks. The volunteers will stay at each location for 1 week and then will move to a new place. At the end of the project the volunteers will return back to Donetsk where they will have an evaluation.
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