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20 European Projects Found

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Social, Multicultural and Inclusive Life in Europe

Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

...e, but it is important that they are motivated and interested in the project activities, and be between the age of 18 and 30. The activities will take place in Brtonigla, Buje, Umag, and other local Istrian municipalities. The volunteers will be able to choose their activities, based on their interests and needs. They will be able to work in the LDA office and assist in the project preparation a ...
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METRIS Plus project idea was elaborated under the leadership of the Istrian development agency (IDA) by five different Adriatic cross-border partner regions as the follow-up initiative of the previous project that was successfully implemented by IDA and partners within Phare 2006 - New Adriatic Neighbourghood Programme. Within project IDA and its partners set up research centre ...
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... of nature, role and functions of the European Union, in region, whichshown its uncertainty about the forthcoming accession of Croatia; most of the activities aim to influence theyoung generations of Istrian people;- to outline the characteristics: advantages and challenges of becoming European citizen;- to enrich knowledge of the local population about the diversity of European cultures, language ...
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...the promotion of local products, in the perspective of a balanced development of the territory. The project was created by a group of organisations (CEFAL, SCF, AZRRI: Agency for Rural Development of Istrian region, Istrian Region) in continuity with an experience of collaboration between Italy and Croatia started in 2006. In particular, the Key Project Q has activated a cross-border team of train ...
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Background The Marche (IT) and Jadranska Hrvastska (Hr) regions, the two project target areas, are located in the Adriatic-Ionian macroregion and are characterised by similar territorial and climatic conditions. Over the last decades, the two regions have been heavily affected by climate change trends, entailing mainly decreased precipitation and increase ...
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The entire Adriatic Region shares at least 200 million years of common geological history. The limestone created on this platform was used as a primary building material throughout the whole project area and takes one of the most important roles in creating common human history. The specific platy limestone as the basic construction material gives the Adriatic coastline and its interior the primar ...
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Collaborative platform to support research and technology transfer (NEXT)

Start date: Aug 31, 2012, End date: Apr 29, 2015,

NEXT intends to create a collaborative platform to support innovation and technology transfer in the Countries of the Adriatic area. The project is promoted by 11 partners from six Countries: Italy, Croatia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro and the representatives of different interests and positions of the actors of innovation: Universities, Regional Development Agencies, Ch ...
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Smarter Cluster Policies for South East Europe (ClusterPoliSEE)

Start date: Apr 30, 2012, End date: Oct 30, 2014,

ClusterPoliSEE main objective is to enhance the capacity of regional policy makers to confront, prevent and anticipate change, developing smart specialization strategies for cluster improvement, thus accelerating differentiation and structural change towards a knowledge-based economy in which there is a place for all SEE regions to position themselves. 25 members partnership covers 11 different SE ...
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Geothermal Energy (the energy extracted from heat stored in the earth) is one of the most environmental-friendly and cost-effective energy resources in use and has the potential to help mitigate global warming if widely deployed in place of fossil fuel. Technological advances have dramatically expanded the range of viable resources, especially for applications such as home heating & cooling, openi ...
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Sustainable Energy in the Adriatic Regions: Knowledge to Invest (SEA-R)

Start date: Feb 28, 2011, End date: Nov 29, 2013,

As stressed by the IPA Operational Programme, the socio-economical development of the territories involved in SEA-R implies an increasing energy demand. At the same time these regions must adopt more environmentally-friendly energy models due to increasing oil prices, global warming, high-consuming patterns of transport, industrial and tourism development, outmoded heating systems. SEA-R identifie ...
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Adriatic Economic Cluster Club (Cluster Club)

Start date: Feb 28, 2011, End date: Aug 30, 2013,

The Cluster Club project aims to improve the innovation’s possibility of territorial and productive system through cooperation, business opportunities and market research. It aims also to accelerate the creation and reinforcing of cluster’s system, in particular the creation of SMEs network, Public Administration, public and private institutes of research, consumers and potential products and serv ...
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... Expected Results: This project will establish a balance in the ecosystem by restoring extensive – pasture-haymaking breeding, particularly of native breeds (Istrian cattle, goat, sheep and donkey). It will also raise the awareness of the inhabitants and the public in the rural cross-border region of the importance of biodiversity and pointing to the consequ ...
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Start date: Mar 31, 2011, End date: Mar 30, 2013,

To motivate young people to develop new projects in the eco-innovation field and cross border cooperation, to develop the system of enterprise clubs on different educational institutions, who will in connection with consortium of innovative entrepreneurs develop different ideas also in the future, to connect young people from Slovenija and Croatia in order to achive common project goals and to acc ...
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Objectives of the operation are encouragement of entrepreneurship culture, foundation of new companies in the cross-border area and transfer of knowledge from academic sphere to economy. Beside that development of new services of project partners to improve services of university incubators, technology parks and development agencies for the purpose of implementing their mission. ...
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Special over border objective is to create and implement joined over border system of management and resource sharing for entrepreneurs beginners which are in a unfavorable position to increase their global competition on Slovenian-Croatian and other EU markets. ...
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AsviLoc + grows up of AsviLoc project (ANNP CBC)results and of experience of Regions in the RPIA 2000-06. Acting for innovation systems is a long-term effort supported by successive experimentations. Successful regions commit to long-term policies which put in place the elements which encourage a common vision of innovation as a factor or regional development. RDAs can act as facilitator linking a ...
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Regional Development Along Corridors and Nodes (REDECON)

Start date: Aug 31, 2005, End date: Feb 27, 2008,

Currently the border regions of Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Hungary and Croatia are experiencing changes regarding their economic and spatial development. A cross-border strategic information system for regional planning purposes is necessary to harmonise and adjust regional development strategies and to overcome deficits in data provision and to intensify cooperation. REDECON will develop and imple ...
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Guarantee Organizations Network (GO Network)

Start date: Oct 31, 2003, End date: Nov 29, 2006,

The project is aimed at providing an overview of existing experiences with credit guarantee in the East European, identifying the current policy issues of credit guarantee development in East European and recommending how the Government can address specific actions in order to create a more enabling environment. In this context, the project aims to create a pilot project, intended as a form of tec ...
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The region involved faces a pre-accession situation and is geographically as well as functionally a interface to future EU enlargement. The region is characterised by highly diversified types of landscape and physical structures with a vast natural and cultural heritage. The system of central places is without a dominating agglomeration. The net of the north/south and east/west TEN- & TINA-corrido ...
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The CADSES space is characterized by the widespread presence of SMEs and it is a strategic area since north-south and east-west corridors meet. The social and economic development of this space relies on the ability of SMEs to face changes with global, regional and local threats. The main threat to SMEs is represented by the increasing gap between international groups and industrial clusters, netw ...
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