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Industrial Logistics and intermodal transport for SMEs development (I-Log)
Start date: Dec 31, 2002, End date: Jun 29, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The CADSES space is characterized by the widespread presence of SMEs and it is a strategic area since north-south and east-west corridors meet. The social and economic development of this space relies on the ability of SMEs to face changes with global, regional and local threats. The main threat to SMEs is represented by the increasing gap between international groups and industrial clusters, networked companies and networks of enterprises, which may leave SMEs and local SMEs system out of value creation chains. Logistics represent a strategic leverage to compete on a global scale since it can ensure the delocalisation of production phases, higher service standards and closer enterprises relationships with customers and suppliers. The project aims at providing local SMEs systems with innovative instruments for sustaining their competitiveness and reducing traffic congestion. In particular I-Log is based on six fundamental goals: - Definition and implementation of a set of logistic services with reference to the existing infrastructures - Regional Logistic Service Pattern - in order rationalise logistics and transportation within local productive systems and to integrate ICT solutions in transport and logistic services; - Fine tuning and testing the proposed solutions on the participating local SMEs systems pinpointing organisation and management models for transport services and local platforms; -Promoting and diffusing logistic culture in local SMEs systems creating relation and information networks; - Exchanging best practices and experiences, diffusing the awareness of the logistic leverage importance for gaining SMEs long term competitiveness; - Improving industrial relations among the participating CADSES countries. Becoming a "network of competence" which can provide SMEs advice and support on innovative logistic services implementation and development; as regards this objective it will be examined to establish a "virtual logistic observatory" for methods, approaches and methodology for organisation and management of local transport and logistic services. Achievements: This project has achieved the following results and effects: - Web site, - Comparative analysis of cataloguing methods, - Development of a specific entry for spas, - Development of a custom-made project data base to be used for data collection on extranet linking all European partners, - Data collection and entry, - Photo gallery, - Project-coordinated image handbook (logo, format, colours, layout, etc for the project presentations and materials), - Project GIS (geographical information system) to localize all the spas on an e-map for access on the internet, - Dissemination (articles, brochures, seminars and workshops), - Comparative analysis of European legislation on spas, - Virtual exhibition on the history of spas in Europe (DVD and video). Before the end of the project (June 2005), an analysis of the economic relevance of spas and case studies will be conducted.
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  • 42.3%   1 800 000,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Cadses
  • Project on KEEP Platform

23 Partners Participants