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Agencies Supporting Value of Innovation systems in regional and LOCal economies (AsviLoc plus)
Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: Mar 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

AsviLoc + grows up of AsviLoc project (ANNP CBC)results and of experience of Regions in the RPIA 2000-06. Acting for innovation systems is a long-term effort supported by successive experimentations. Successful regions commit to long-term policies which put in place the elements which encourage a common vision of innovation as a factor or regional development. RDAs can act as facilitator linking actors that express innovation need, providers of innovation services and institutions charged of the planning the policies to support innovation. The main objectives of the project are: to contribute building up a transnational innovation system; to enhance RDAs role fostering regional innovation system; to share and to capitalise lessons learnt from the EU RPIAs. Project activities are: local and transnational networking; setting up of Regional Laboratories that foreseen the sharing of knowledge and expertise among the key innovation actors; implementation of staff exchanges and training package to enhance RDAs staff; carrying out pilot actions to test innovation services on the SMEs and their representatives; integrated planning workshops involving innovation policy makers and innovation key actors; drafting of a memorandum of understanding of the RDAs addressed to the European Policy Makers in charge of shaping policies for the period 2013/2020; drafting of RDAs Innovation Action Plan 2015. Project outputs are: the permanent information sources; pilot innovative services; establishment of transnational and regional networks including coordination mechanism for innovation friendly framework contribution. Expected results: new ICT tools developed for innovation knowledge management; training tools adopted to improve knowledge management and to increase awareness innovation management process; setting up regional networks for innovation approach and policies; establishment of transnational network including coordination mechanism for innovation friendly framework contribution. Achievements: • Good practice catalogue showing the role of Regional Development Agencies in promoting and supporting innovationFor more information see:
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  • 85.1%   2 000 000,00
  • 2007 - 2013 South East Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

12 Partners Participants