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36 European Projects Found

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Pharma-Innovation - Patent-2 (Innova-P2)

Start date: Jun 1, 2008, End date: May 31, 2011,

We seek to develop a plan for amending the current Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) regime for rewarding pharmaceutical innovations. The existing IPR regime is highly problematic. This has become obvious in the wake of a series of public health emergencies, most notably the AIDS crisis, which pits the vital needs of poor patients against the need of pharmaceutical companies to recoup their inves ...
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... met at transnational level, having a strong impact in the social and health services and in the labour market. The change of economic position of older people within the knowledge economy demands an innovative policy approach strengthening creative interaction among key player involved in the innovation development without anymore a fragmented division of competencies and an integration among pol ...
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...ed, largely due to their low populations and agricultural-based economies, which have been in decline since the early 20th century. In a bid to curb the devitalisation of these rural areas, the RURAL INNOVA project intends to build an interregional network to exchange good practices and transfer experiences in order to put non-agricultural rural development factors to better use, via 4 courses of ...
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Le projet METAL-INNOVA a pour principal objectif de contribuer au renforcement de la compétitivité et de la capacité d'innovation du secteur métallurgique dans l'espace SUDOE. Pour cela, il vise à inciter audéveloppement de projets innovants visant à améliorer et optimiser les systèmes de production plus économiques et plus compétitifs dans les entreprises du secteur métallurgique.Afin d'atteindre ...
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... una borsa di studio, si intendono attivare in cooperazione tra partner greci ed italiani percorsi di formazione specialistica e di esperienze in azienda, capaci di diffondere la cultura dellinnovazione nei settori di maggior interesse economico- sociale, valorizzando e trasferendo in particolare progetti ed iniziative finanziate nellambito del POR Puglia ed analoghi programmi greci.Settori com ...
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The project INNOVA aims at establishing common models of integrated sustainable monitoring, planning and management of high environmental value areas to control natural resources degradation.The main problem addressed by the project is the absence of common guidelines in the ARCHIMED ecoregion for monitoring, management and planning of high environmental value areas. In order to favour regional co ...
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...quilibrado del conjunto del territorio. Con esta finalidad, las autoridades nacionales, regionales y locales tienen la posibilidad de poner en marcha proyectos en distintos medios de actuación: innovación, relaciones ciudades-medio rural y policentrismo, gestión de los recursos en agua, valorización y desarrollo sostenible del patrimonio natural y cultural, promoción de los transportes sostenibles ...
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Puesta en marcha de un servicio basado en herramientas avanzadas TIC destinadas a la mejora e la competitividad empresarial del sector de las Energías Renovables en la Eurorregión, mediante a optimización de los procesos empresariales y el fomento de actividades de I+D+i ...
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 FINISHED climate energy objectives as defined in the European Union’s “20-20-20” targets and in the European Commission’s Energy Roadmap 2050.The overall objective of this project is to develop an innovative high performance and cost effective 2-kWel/18-kWth solar heat and power system for application in individual dwellings and small business residential buildings for on-site electricity and heat g ...
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...ts of foreign direct investments in R&D at the regional level in EU-28 countries4) to provide support in the improvement and refinement of existing indicators to measure research excellence and innovation output5) to investigate the impact of EU research funding initiatives on the production of excellent research.
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Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

... opportunity to share relevant experiences, mechanisms, tools, and networks that can accelerate the process of further positioning Mexico in this space.The project European Union – Mexico Bilateral Innovation Initiative (EU-MEX INNOVA) seeks to strengthen and enhance the ST&I cooperation work between the European Union (EU) and Mexico in order to consolidate their strategic partnership through the ...
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...strongly perceived by growers, who consequently tend to minimize it by using chemical pesticides. On the other hand, consumers are more and more concerned about pesticides. There is a strong need for innovative products from natural origin, safe for humans and the environment, renewable and with a fast biodegradation on the crops in order to minimize residues on food. These products are especially ...
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...e context of the ERA_MONITORING and COMPOSITES_4_IU projects, financed by the 2010 and 2011 Capacities work programmes, and on the experience in the development and testing of the EU2020 indicator of innovation output in the Inter-service Task Force in 2013. The main objective of the study is to investigate the link between research and innovation on the one hand and economic growth and employment ...
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Innova, educa, triunfa

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017,

Name: Innovate, educate, succeedBackground: It's necessary to increase the quality level of our school. In recent years our school has opened its borders to the internationalization of education through different European projects and it has already introduced multilingual education in the first three years of compulsory education.Objectives: to improve the teaching-learning process through the in ...
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The project is a Transnational Network focussing on the transfer of innovation. Based on the InnovaWood network, it focuses on recently acceded and pre-accession countries. It will form a network of specialists and special centres of vocational training that will share expertise and foster new approaches to training in this sector. The aim is to facilitate the exchange of experiences, good practic ...
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...ning. Appropriate training should be based upon a matrix, where the re-shaping of the shoemakers strategies (as it can be foreseen in the middle term) should drive the re-shaping of training. The innovation of training should be a consequence of prospective studies, implemented in Spain and Italy, concerning the new trends in shoes production over the next 5 years (design, environment friendliness ...
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The INNOVA SME SUPPORT project aims to develop a range of innovative products and services to upgrade the knowledge and competencies of business support providers, focusing upon the development of an entrepreneurial culture and upon increasing SME development for three specific groups, women, young people and the rural population.Activities will include the production of: national case studies and ...
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...dentification, stimulation and support to research driven clusters. This expertise will be built in a first place on existing results stemming out for example from Regions of Knowledge pilot actions, Innovating Regions of Europe Network, Mutual Learning Platform, Europe INNOVA initiative, etc. - improvement of quality of services provided. Good practices in NCP services will be implemented. Region ...
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Ecopaint bio-based formulations (ECOBIOFOR)

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

... solvent consumption was only 0.63 Million Tons (12.6%), mainly devoted to cleaning operations, however the consumption of biosolvents is estimated to grow annually 4.8% up to 1.1 million by 2020 (EU Innova-Biochem 2010).The Coatings/Inks/Adhesives Industry represents 58% of the global solvent consumption, since they use solvents as the main constituent in their formulations (50-70wt%), which will ...
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... contributes to the question, whether the bottom-up approach of ERC funding meets the expectation of being able to support new lines of research with impact on the development of dynamic creative and innovative areas of research in Europe. The concept of our project combines two approaches. The first one concerns the identification of topically emerging research areas assuming that excellent, trul ...
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...olicies of all the partners involved, mostly in their rural development plans or structural funds plans.The project idea was born out of previous successful Interreg III C projects (Robinwood, RURAL Innova, etc) devoted to sustainable rural development. Whilst the previous projects have allowed the project partners to increase their knowledge on this issue and have allowed the local stakeholders ...
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...n of technical improvements in the field of bio-treatment and agricultural water use within a transdisciplinary identification of novel agri-business opportunities. Water4Crops aims at: a) developing innovative biotechnological wastewater treatments for improved water recycling, b) initiating the co-creation of alternative combinations of bio-treatment, recycling of high value elements, and combin ...
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KNOW-HUB addresses a crucial problem of insufficient competence in European regions in strategic management of innovation policies, which negatively impacts the effectiveness of the Structural Funds operations. Even though there had been good strategies developed in Europe, few were fully, if at all, implemented. There are little instruments that effectively eliminate the stumbling blocks of knowl ...
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The project arises from the results of the previous INNOVA project financed by INTERREG IIIA Greece-Italy 2000-2006. On the basis of the feasibility study drawn up from the project on the creation of a school INNOVA - Transnational School of Innovation and from the protocol of intent on its creation, the present project aims to establish and operate a school/centre of transnational skills as a res ...
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...soil sciences); IC2MP - Environmental and Material Chemistry Institute of Poitiers (France, soil sciences); Belgian Textile Research Centre (Belgium, materials sciences and mechanical tests) and Edma Innova (Spain, electronic and scientific equipment)
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SemLib to Market (STOM)

Start date: May 1, 2014, End date: Apr 30, 2016, model.StoM consortium is also composed by SpazioDati (Italy), a startup focused on a data-as-a-service offering, targeted to data consumers and application developers, and two companies, Innova (Italy) and Techin (Poland). These two SMEs have a significant expertise on marketing and business development: in StoM they will focus on refining the initial business ideas, by performing mar ...
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Creating Entrepreneurial Eco-systems (ECOINNOVA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

ECO-INNOVA is a cooperation, investment and technical assistance project for SMEs. Its general aim is to create a transnational structure to report, advise, promote and develop eco-innovation in SMEs, and to support the creation and start-up of eco-innovative SMEs in the Atlantic Area. The specific project´s objectives are: - The definition of a Strategy to promote and develop eco-busine ...
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COLLaboration for INnovation (COLLIN)

Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: May 30, 2014,

COLLIN soll die begonnene Kollaboration aus dem Projekt ROBIN (ROBotics – Innovations in Healthcare) zwischen dem Odense Universitetshospital (OUH) und dem Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH) in eine längerfristige Partnerschaft leiten und das initiierte Netzwerk pflegen und weiter ausbauen. Das mittelfristige Ziel dabei ist es, die Grenzregion als Standort für innovative Technologien i ...
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OBJETIVO: Fomentar la innovación empresarial de carácter permanente en el área transfronteriza de Galicia-Norte de Portugal a través de la cooperación entre sectores de un ámbito empresarial relevante a ambos lados de la frontera.ACCIONES: Articular una red de sectores transfronterizos, crear de una red de innova-gestores y coachers transfronterizos, desarrollar una estructura conjunta de recursos ...
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Big Bang - an Adventurous Music Project for Children

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2017, and CD/DVD distribution. The partners are: Centro cultural de Bélem (Lisbon, PT), Onassis Cultural Center (Athens, GR), Konserthus (Stavanger, NO), Bozar (Brussels, BE), Fondación Alcala Innova (Seville, ES), KinderKinder (Hamburg, DE), Opéra de Lille (Lille, FR) and Zonzo Compagnie (Antwerp, BE).
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... contributed to transfer and to support the adoption of the model of "research-training-intervention" developed by the lead partner and the Pázmány Péter Catholic University in the project Cultura Innova financed with ESF ROP Regione Veneto, Axis V "Transnational-interregional" - Category 80. The transfer concerned the logical scheme designed and tested by the above partners, aimed at the developm ...
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...ial and a new presentation approach, using existing technology in e-learning and adapting it to the new context of the timber education programme. The internet based material will be available at, an Internet portal for the forest and wood industries sector. Target groups are students of engineering and architecture, civil engineers in SME's, training providers. Target sectors a ...
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...ial and a new presentation approach, using existing technology in e-learning and adapting it to the new context of the timber education programme. The internet based material will be available at, an Internet portal for the forest and wood industries sector. Target groups are students of engineering and architecture, civil engineers in SME’s, training providers. Target sectors a ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

...following: 1) Improving the quality and number of mobility students by enlarging the number of agreements with prestigious European institutions, widening mobility opportunities in most scientific innova-tive areas, in order to foster cutting edge knowledge development to make the University able to better face modern society challenges; 2) Connecting the world of education, research and business ...
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“SUI, start up’s internationalization” is an EU wide partnership project designed to identify core and innovative learning methods that best encourages success international activities for startup and entrepreneur. The project is based on a results and experience acquired in previous project called “SUC, start-up communities”. However, it goes one step further promoting the international expansion ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

...guage skills in the new Europe in which the coexistence of all members is a reality both at an academic and a professional level.With regard to the introduction of new methodologies in the classroom, INNOVA Group, coordinated by the school management team, was created in 2011. The main task of this group is to introduce innovative classroom methodologies such as cooperative work or project work in ...
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