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Ricerca-formazione-intervento per gli operatori dei beni culturali - SPREAD ART

The labour market in the field of cultural heritage is a scenario in evolution, which in the coming years will certainly bring new changes and job prospects, but also threatens to make the currently available competences system rapidly obsolete and inadequate. In this context, the project started from the necessity to develop an integrated systems of services and tools able to: - Revise the models of vocational training in the cultural heritage sector to adapt it to the emerging needs of the labour market and of the operators themselves - Re-engineer the training tools through PDCA methodology based on ICT solutionsWith this goals, the project activities contributed to transfer and to support the adoption of the model of "research-training-intervention" developed by the lead partner and the Pázmány Péter Catholic University in the project Cultura Innova financed with ESF ROP Regione Veneto, Axis V "Transnational-interregional" - Category 80. The transfer concerned the logical scheme designed and tested by the above partners, aimed at the development of: - Methodologies and tools for the analysis of the dynamics occurring in the skills required by professionals involved in the enhancement of cultural heritage - Methods of educational planning, focused on PDCA methodological approaches - Models and standards for advanced vocational and life long learning training of operators active in the field of cultural heritage.The process to support the adoption of this model included: - The adaptation of the model to be transferred, through a prior action of peer review conducted among the partners in order to identify the context variables necessary to finalize the model - Development of instruments for the start-up of the process of transfer and training-trainers services based on developing informative and training materials and, on training and informative services, training paths and support online- Evaluating the results of experimentation - Dissemination of results to the target of the process identified. The context of transfer concerned the geographical areas of Italy, Hungary, and Greece. In particular, the applicant, Fondazione Marcianum together with the Hungarian partner, had the role of providing the model tested in the project Cultura Innova; Heraklion Development Agency was involved in the actions of improvement and finalization of the model according to the specific local needs.
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