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Innovative startup's internationalization course and e-learning platform
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

“SUI, start up’s internationalization” is an EU wide partnership project designed to identify core and innovative learning methods that best encourages success international activities for startup and entrepreneur. The project is based on a results and experience acquired in previous project called “SUC, start-up communities”. However, it goes one step further promoting the international expansion and development of the start-ups and entrepreneurs communities. Through the guide of experts on this area our partners countries will contribute with their wide experience finding best practices, case studies, lessons learnt and future opportunities. During the project we will deliver training and practical entrepreneurship education among training providers from partner’s countries. We will design an innovative training course, with a strategic use of Information and Communication technologies (ICT), that will serve as a guide to solve the special needs for startup and entrepreneurs in this stage through the cooperation of the partners. By developing the e-learning platform the partnership wants to make all the Best Practices and professional knowledge brought together available. The final objective of our project is to decrease the number of low skilled people in the internationalization field. As so, the idea is to increase the potential and efficiency of future EU businesses and possibilities of their expansion on European and international level. In a long term basis SUI pretends to increase and strengthen the EU companies internationalization and entrepreneurialism among partnership countries. In these terms we would like to support the EU strategy plan of “smart, sustainable To fulfill these objectives we have created the international network, composed by 6 organizations, in five different European countries: - A teaching organisation, AJEV (Spain) - An internationalization consulting company, FyG Consultores (Spain) - A consulting service provider in the Innovation and Technology transfer, Innova+ (Portugal) - An expert company in projects management, financial literacy and awareness, fundraising and finance, Amery Brothers (United Kingdom) - An aggregator of people and business, Materahub (Italy) - A supplier of innovative solutions, ASSIST Software (Romania) This consortium will collaborate during two years (from 1st October 2014 until the end of September 2016). During this time the consortium will work together and organize five transnational meetings (Kick off, Intermediate, Final meetings, more 2 pilot meetings). During those meetings we will put in place the e-learning platform and training course. SUI partners will disseminate the future results in seminars and conferences to the interested parts and preferred stakeholders. We want to influence the entrepreneurial way of thinking in Europe and play a role in the future international businesses development successes. For this, we want to impact at short and long term the followings targets: - Start-ups and entrepreneurs by triggering its key competences and internationalization skills. - Participating institutions by developing new capabilities that enables them to achieve proposed outcomes. - Young people/people who want training by providing excellent training and practical skills increasing their possibilities at international level. The principal idea is to inspire these interested parts to involve themselves as deeply as possible in being a part of collaborative and efficient community. These different interested parts are present in different levels we want to impact: - At local and regional level by tending to foster internationalisation desire and entrepreneurial activity on the community people, as well as support new approaches to internationalisation and entrepreneurship education. - At national level because the international cooperation of all the partners responds to the needs of each one of the countries involved. - At European level by tending to follow EU policy main priority, this is developing new skills by innovative learning methods ICT. The idea is to support and strengthen the EU strategy plan of “smart, sustainable and inclusive growth” in a long-term understanding. - At international level by strengthening EU place on international markets and promote new opportunities on every geographical scale. All the project results will be disseminated during the multiplier events and also by following the communication & dissemination plan of Materahub which bring their great experience in this domain. To conclude we’ll ensure the sustainability of the project by following a precise plan and strategy describe in Part G.3, that enable us to influence the internationalisation skills and competence in the UE and increase the transnational collaboration in a long term. Moreover we’ll make the project results available for others in order to make potential future collaboration easier and reinforce the value of Erasmus+ programme.

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5 Partners Participants