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39 European Projects Found

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EVolutionS- Ensuring Quality in EVS

Start date: May 15, 2016, End date: May 14, 2018,

...ll 12th September 2016, excluded travel days)- Training Course for Mentors ( 26th till 30th November 2016, excluded travel days)EVolutionS - "Ensuring Quality in EVS projects" will gather in total 50 youth workers, (26 coordinators and supervisors in EVS and 26 Mentors ), 2 qualified trainers from Greece and UK and 4 staff members. All together will have the chance to build a strong network and to ...
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Rückenwind for all 2015/16

Start date: Aug 15, 2015, End date: Aug 14, 2017,

This proposal is the result of our daily work and our target group needs. It is all about youth, especially youth with fewer opportunities. For all in the past our mobilities have been a turning point for better. For much better! We are tempted to say, we are saving lives! But we have to support more, much more! For this application the seminar we have had in December in Austria was another start ...
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Santa Barbara

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

• Ansökarens namn: Föreningen Framtidståget • Deltagande länder: Armenien, Sverige, Belarus, Bulgarien, Estland, Georgien, Italien, Lettland, Moldova, Portugal, Rumänien, Ryssland, Spanien, Turkiet, Ukraina • Antal deltagare: 35 • Projektets mål/syfte: att visa hur viktigt det är med personliga och familjerelationer i en ungdoms framtid genom att självreflektera och se anknytning mellan det person ...
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...on of the project is 6 months, from 1 September 2016 to 31 December 2016. First YE will take place between 26.08.2016 and 03.09.2016, second YE between 16.09.-24.09.2016 and it will host each 35 youth from 7 countries (The project is organized and implemented by Potsdam based Mostar Friedensprojekt e.V. in close cooperation with Czech partner Tmelnik as well as 26 other partners from Bosnia and H ...
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Contact to Participation Raising Peace

Start date: May 2, 2016, End date: Mar 1, 2017,

... the regions targeted through this application today - war, occupation, refugee crisis, rise in extremism, poverty among others this application seeks to build the capacities of the IVS movement, its youth workers and trainers by providing them with a platform for non formal learning and discussion to work towards a strategy for awareness raising and working together with young people in order to ...
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Get up! Support civil courage campaigns

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

...kraine, France, Italy, Finland, Poland, Turkey, UK, Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic and EstoniaIn 2015 Grenzenlos was running 2 civil courage trainings targeting EVS mentors and people involved in youth projects. (I can do it! How to promote civil courage within the EVS, Vienna in June 2015 supported by Erasmus+ and Stand up! How to support civil courage within your youth projects, Tulln July 201 ...
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Ecolab 4 Sustainable Development

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

...or.The Training Course “Ecolab for Sustainable Development” will address the above-mentioned issues in its unique way. It will provide active citizenship and sustainable development education for youth workers aiming at preparing them to become change agents in their communities and transfer their knowledge to the young people they work with. The Training Course will take place in Yerevan, Armenia ...
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The Entrepreneur SHIP

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

...ldova in October 2015. This project achieved the following objectives: - Made participants and their respective organisations reflect on the importance of fostering entrepreneurship competences among youth. - Explored the role of non-formal education in the promotion of entrepreneurship amongst youth. - Gave partners opportunity to develop projects that focus on common interests under the Erasmus+ ...
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YE disability in motion through a video guidance preparations

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

The most relevant topics addressed by our project are:- disability- education- video & media- youth- embracing diversity, tolerance and inclusion.First of all, this project continues to speak about disability and how someone can build a healthy social interaction and relationship with people with different abilities. But this time we want to see what are the actual needs/situation on the spot, to ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

Amfi intended a project to promote youth exchange on the theme of non-discrimination, gender equality and equal opportunities for men and women direct to n. 60 boys between the ages of 14-17 years . The aim is to promote the culture of rights, the culture of equality and non-discrimination as values. The project aims to achieve these goals through innovative methodologies and non-formal education ...
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Sensitization for Action

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

... population in Sweden. It is also usual to see discrimination not only between majority and minority but also possible inside minorities.Through this project we would like to increase awareness among youth workers about this process, which start from generalization and then prejudices, stereotypes, and discrimination. Sensitization about diversity and cultural differences would be main issue to a ...
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PRO-PER development

Start date: Aug 3, 2015, End date: Mar 2, 2016,

"PRO-PER development" was a project consisting of one youth workers mobility, the aim of which was to enhance the PERsonal as well as PROfessional competences of youth workers working with unemployed youth by providing them with a concise methodological framework which addresses the lack of motivational, entrepreneurial and wholesomely educational capacities of unemployed young people. The youth w ...
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Youth Can Do It !

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

“Unemployment levels are alarmingly high, concealing many different realities and causes that often run deep”- Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, June 2013;Youth unemployment is considered by many to be one of the most pressing issues facing European governments, and is high on the agenda of EU leaders.According to recent statistics the average EU28 youth unemployment rate (age ...
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Name of the project: InFormal - Integration of non-formal education approach to the formal education system for youth empowerment at local level; Long-term training course Dates and Venues: - Activity 1 - Basic Course: 8th - 16th September 2015 in Rostov Velikiy, Russia - Homework phase: Testing skills gained in field between the trainings with help of an online e-learning course (Accessible on ht ...
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During our youth work and cooperation as partners, we have noticed lack of qualified and willing youth leaders for better inclusion and intercultural acceptance in our multiethnic communities. Project targets youth workers willing to take the lead of promoting and leading quality inclusion and intercultural dialogue in our projects and communities and willing to improve intercultural learning/dial ...
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Towards 2020: Skilling Musicians & Engaging Audiences

Start date: Mar 6, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

...s.At the heart of T2020 are the training & international concerts of one of the world’s preeminent young musicians’ orchestras and long-time cultural ambassador for the EU, the European Union Youth Orchestra (EUYO). Described by Androulla Vassiliou, EU Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism, Sport, Media and Youth, as “Europe at its best … [of which] I am deeply proud”, the EUYO will ...
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Healthy Teenagers

Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2015, of 60 young people who will participate in the project will realize the importance of healthy and correct eating for their body and the need to perform daily, physical exercises. Obesity among youth has reached alarming levels, and the main reasons that led to that come from a poor diet used at an early age. Project organizers will provide for young participants informational materials th ...
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Personal Development - connecting with nature

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

The project "Personal Development - connecting with nature" is a training project, which brings together organizations and institution interested in professionalising their work with youth and its variety of outdoor education methods. Partner organizations are interested in strengthening the capacities of its members and staff, establishing partnerships, and delivering of services at a high level. ...
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#SocialMedia for Youth Employment is an Erasmus+ Training Course aiming to raise awareness on the topic of youth unemployment and to identify the main reasons behind it. In addition, this training course aimed to promote the use of social media as a solution to the issue of youth unemployment. Furthermore, this training course aimed to support the intercultural learning, active citizenship, leader ...
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Our Challenge Our Goal

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2015,

"Our Challenge Our Goal " is a multilateral youth exchange project . Aged 18 to 25 who participate in associations from different parts of Europe: Bulgaria, Slovenia, Romania, Turkey and Spain, that will work in all three phases of the project, carrying out activities related to the themes of exchange. The aim of the exchange is to encourage and promote participation and commitment of our young pa ...
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Education in Citizenship has to be VIP

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2015,

"Education in Citizenship has to be VIP" (ECtobeVIP) is a project coordinated by the Spanish organization Gandia Youth Council - Consell dels Joves de Gandia along with a total 26 organizations from 21 countries of both the European Union and outside. This project consists a mobility activity of youth workers for attending a training course on human rights as the main axis. A total of 36 young pe ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2015,

Inspired by our previous experience in the Youth in Action Programme, working on the quality of EVS, Associazione Joint designed this seminar with the title of "EVS - Sharing Volunteerism 's Experience": it will take part in Rimini, Italy, next November. 21 participants from Italy, Croatia, Bulgaria, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Germany, Hungary, France, Slovakia, Austria, Poland, Estonia, the Netherl ...
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Minor changes were effected following the initial application and these were related to i) the composition of thetrainer team and ii) the composition of participants from two promoters.i) In the initial application the trainers’ team consisted of one trainer from Greece (Paidia en Drasei - Kids inAction) and one trainer from Spain (Neagenia Intercultural). Due to last minute personal commitments b ...
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...tion of some documentaries/presentations regarding cultural events taking place in the ethnic communities of Arad and Alba counties4. Creation of documentaries/presentations on local events regarding youth organisations and local communities in Romania 5. Ecological activities6. Consulting actions and alternative activities of spending free time in youth centres7. Administration and promoting of t ...
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Start date: Dec 1, 2009,

The project 'DOORS' is aimed at creating and supporting the international voluntary, social and culturalrelations among European as well as world regions while project involves promoters from Other PartnerCountries of the World.This project is initiated in Estonia in order to develop the intercultural learning of young, start cooperation in a voluntary network between Kenya, Nigeria, India, Brazil ...
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In the period of 1 year 10 youth leaders from The Hague (Netherlands), Barcelona (Spain), Amarante (Portugal), Cluj Napaco (Romania), Palermo (Italy), Cordoba (Argentina), Nairobi (Kenya), Freetown (Sierra Leone), Accra (Ghana), Quezon City (Philippines) working on peace building, especially related to poverty, social exclusion and gender equality initiatives, will engage in job shadowing projects ...
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The project Volunteering 2011: Global Strategies for Global Challenges is the opening of a process in which youth organisations from all over the world, together with young people and institutions of the field will debate, create and decide on the main priorities and strategies of the Volunteering Movement both for 2011 and for a long term strategy, which will be defined at the end of the project ...
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...ork together and seek for understanding and effective measures against racism, xenophobia, discrimination and exclusion of migrants and minorities. Therefore this training course will aim to empower youth workers/leaders and volunteers to act as fighters for minority and migrant inclusion on local, national and European level by giving them different tools, methods, skills and knowledge on migrati ...
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... geographical and symbolic boarders, see how far we can push our limits and how much we can learn with and from each other. Project will deal with several themes, with European awarness, disability, youth information and youth leisure being the most explicit ones. All activities are connected by the idea of youth participation. Volunteers (from Poland, Turkey and Ukraine) in three Activities will ...
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Experiencing European Citizenship in Romanian Rural Communities is a group EVS project involving 26 young volunteers from programme countries and other partner countries of the world for a 9 months EVS service experience in 8 rural and small developing urban communities from Dolj County. SW Oltenia: Amarastii de Jos, Calarasi, Carcea, Dabuleni, Daneti, Giurgita, Melinesti, Segarcea. The project ga ...
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Rural Rebuilding

Start date: Mar 1, 2012,

...same time the rise of mass media, urbanisation and online social networks has seen young peoples everyday lives characterised by social interactions, rather than natural ones. This project will be a youth exchange held in Krusevo, Macedonia, between 10 and 17 July 2012, to be titled "Rural Rebuilding" and will be based around the theme of the effect of this change on the countryside. It will feat ...
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EVS Empower Braga EYC 2012

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

The Foundation Bracara Augusta aims to enhance the European Volunteer Service in the context of "Braga 2012 - European Capital of Youth."This EVS Group project will take over strategic issues from the European Youth Capital cities as Braga EYC 2012 aims to cooperate and network with other Youth Capital cities as sending's and hosting organization. The main strategy will be the inclusion, participa ...
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Learning for Life

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

...oldova for 12 months. The young volunteers and the host organizations will be engaged in sharing knowledge and experience and adding an intercultural note in the field of work related to children and youth of disadvantaged background coming from rural areas. All the volunteers will come from the EU and they will be living examples of cooperation with the European Union. In addition, the volunteers ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

...for cooperation with organizations around Macedonia but also with organizations around Europe for new projects concerning volunteering and employability of young people with fewer opportunities , youth from rural areas and marginalized youth. The study-visit will provide a platform for starting new partnerships and developing new youth projects. The participants are coming from 20 countries. The ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

The main objective of youth exchange is to empower unemployed youngsters to participate in local and international media and cultural projects with a clear focus on inclusion and on increasing the target group’s employability. Secondly, we want young people to understand that through active participation in local community (volunteering in cultural centers, initiating and participating in workshop ...
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...e contribution of participants in civic engagement issue and to activate participants’ civil society in their own countries at local and regional level. The project will prepare and promote youth citizens’ participation in the democratic process, as well as other social and civic activities within the community.
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Oceans divide, Youth unites

Start date: Dec 28, 2012,

"Oceans Divide, Youth Unites" involves NGOs from, Latin America (Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay) and EU (Hungary, Spain, United Kingdom)'.Increasing unemployment and precarious work amongst young people, in Europe and in Latin America, has made inclusion of youngsters into the labour market more difficult, even for highly educated young people. Our main target group: young people from rural areas, or ...
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...the chance to build the friendship among the countries from the whole world. Young people will try their hand at the volunteers in different institution: schools, kindergartens, common rooms, youth centers, culture centers, orphanages and social help centers. They will overcome their personal and language barriers and discover their talents, hobbies and advantages. The time spent abroad will bring ...
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InterACTive Citizenship

Start date: Aug 1, 2013,

The reciprocal multilateral EVS project, “InterACTive Citizenship” takes up the motto of the 2013 “European Year of Citizens” by mobilising and coordinating young people’s active engagement in citizenship activities around the globe. Through volunteering, an essential element in active citizenship, this project aims at developing in young citizens a commitment to society and to political life in s ...
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