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Schuman volunteers changing frontiers
Start date: Aug 1, 2011,

The project will contain ten Activities held in six diffëmht countries (Armenia, Belgium, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Poland and Ukraine) and will include fifteen volunteers from four program and partner countries (Germany, Poland, Turkey and Ukraine). The combination of four to twelve month long Activities joint in this project was created to enable partner organizations and volunteers to cross geographical and symbolic boarders, see how far we can push our limits and how much we can learn with and from each other. Project will deal with several themes, with European awarness, disability, youth information and youth leisure being the most explicit ones. All activities are connected by the idea of youth participation. Volunteers (from Poland, Turkey and Ukraine) in three Activities will work with European School Clubs members and pupils in general, tackling the idea of European awareness, integration and intercultural dialogue. Volunteers will prepare various activities for pupils - from presenting their countries, cultures, traditions, etc. through workshops on subjects that interest them. The fact that volunteers involved into this activities are coming from countries aspiring to join the EU or country with an ongoing discussion about further strategy for EU integration is and added value of this project. Volunteers can bring new fresh point of view to youth about situation in European Union and perception of European Community in their homelands. Hosting organizations in the EECA countries will support volunteers to inform local youth about possibilities that youth programmes such as Youth in Action give them. They will be included in organizing free time of young people as well as helping them to discover local possibilities, benefits of cultural diversity and international cooperation. They will organize competitions, festivals, concerts, exhibitions, displays, etc. Some of the actions will be done outdoors, such informal events designed to promote the discovery of European countries and some through sports.Two Activities shall focus on care and entertainment for disabled children, youth and adults. Volunteers will lend a helpful hand to the activities organized in the kindergartensand help in some rehabilitation activities, thus learn about social care and have a possibility to use their creativity in order to improve its quality in host organizations. Volunteers will also work to improve the recognition and inclusion of disabled youth in hosting society as well as in their home communities.One of the aims of the project is to encourage new actors to actively undertake the opportunity to participate in Youth Policy making process. Volunteers doing their activities in the frames of the project will be able to communicate on the shared internet platform which will be coordinated by volunteer hosted in and European NGO.

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