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36 European Projects Found

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EVS is your oyster

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

...d will awaken their creativity and the activity of local and citizenship.Gaining work experience in professional educational institutions under the supervision of qualified and experienced teachers / youth workers / educators / trainers will become an important point in their professional development. Participation in this project will contribute to raising the professional competence. Volunteers ...
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Young and Rebellious

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

In the frame of our project we want to organize a long-term European Voluntary Service for 2 volunteers from Spain, 1 Turkish women and 1 volunteer from Ukraine.Volunteers will work in the Youth Educational Centre, Special Education Centre, School Complex Gymnasium (for youth at risk of social exclusion) and the Akwedukt Association. The main objective of the project is to increase the ability of ...
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Threads of Social Inclusion

Start date: May 10, 2015, End date: Nov 9, 2016,

Il Filo da Tessere is a network of social cooperatives working in the social field with man different targets in the province of Biella. It will coordinate an EVS hosting project called "Threads of Social Inclusion" composed by 5 sending organisation and 2 receiving organisation and 5 volunteers: Anastasia from Russia, Emile from Turkey and Eliza from Armenia will have activities in Cooperativa T ...
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Youth Cultural Entrepreneurs Lab

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

...EPRENEURSHIP with specific attention on entrepreneurial skills, leadership and management, need, problem analysis prject design, funding and financing; Those topics will be explored in the context of youth organizations and volunteering. The planed activities include drupe of3 different non-formal education activities - LONG and SHORT term EVS mobilities and youth workers contact making SEMINAR. ...
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“I Love Project” Contact Making Seminar

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

"I Love Project" Contact Making Seminar is an Erasmus+ KA-1 Mobility of Individuals (young people and youth workers) partnership building activity to be realized in İstanbul, Turkey between 4 - 10 August 2016, by YOUTHART Youth Art Research and Training Association, as an active youth organization with Eurodesk and EVS accreditation and as an active member of European Youth4Media Network, National ...
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Coordinated by YOUTHART Youth Art Researcha and Training Association, "Citizens Media in Youth Information Regional Trainings and Summit", consisting 7 regional trainings in 7 geographic regions of Turkey and 1 summit, aims to: - inform and support the youth about the EU Youth Strategy areas through public research - provide the youth with new tools through creative videos about Erasmus+ Programme ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

We see an increase in diseases like obesity, diabetes and even cancer in youth. We even see young people suffering from heart disease and disorders normally associated with adults. Most of the causes of these diseases in youth are as a direct result of unhealthy lifestyle choices. We created greater awareness of the problems and gave youth workers the tools to help more young people make health ...
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Cooperate to create!

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

...a from Romania, Alex from Spain, Catherine from Belgium, Sezgin from Turkey and Marie coming from France. We decided to choose three hosting organizations which main activities area are children and youth. Those are the following: Szko?a Podstawowa Nr 24 (Primary School No 24), Samorz?dowe Przedszkole Nr 92 (Kindergarten No 92) and Stowarzyszenie Siemacha (Siemacha Association). Primary School hos ...
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Step forward

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Nov 16, 2015,

...nce. One of the aim of the projects was to encourage active participation in the community - involvement in voluntary activities or engaging to play a part in the decision-making process that affect youth so that they can make conscious decisions. We were also encouraging young people to use mobility projects and to work in existing structures on the basis of principles such as equality, inclusiv ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Oct 30, 2015,

...ike Scotland becoming independent, the UK considering leaving the EU, the economic crisis in the EU and other factors that influence our daily lives, our training course will look at how these impact youth in the EU. We will see how these important issues impact the EU and its stability and our standing as EU Citizens. An important factor with regard to the UK and the possibility that it might l ...
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Healthy Teenagers

Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2015, of 60 young people who will participate in the project will realize the importance of healthy and correct eating for their body and the need to perform daily, physical exercises. Obesity among youth has reached alarming levels, and the main reasons that led to that come from a poor diet used at an early age. Project organizers will provide for young participants informational materials th ...
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Învață și dăruiește

Start date: Sep 10, 2014, End date: Feb 9, 2015,

The idea of this project is to built a new way to think about the economy as an advancing tool for our young participants and also for the NGO itself . This youth exchange is concentrated on exploring key-competences “ learning , initiative and a way of generating new competences “and it’s going to offer the necessary details for understanding basics concepts of economy , but from a different per ...
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De/Construction of (National) Identity at the time of Mass-Media

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Sep 17, 2014,

...ulture, migrations and discrimination based on different cultural and national background. By focusing on examples of discrimination related to the origins and exclusion in the field of international youth and voluntary work, we would like to explore together with international volunteers, youth workers and young trainers their preconceptions on these issues and try to widen their horizons. The tr ...
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YE Equality in action

Start date: Dec 1, 2013,

...torical values, the national park and the ski centre will be just part of the activities of foreseen to improve participants knowledge, develop tolerance but also inspire activism in the field of youth work. It will all have the note of showing connected in differences motto. The intercultural learning will be present constantly by getting this realized. With this project we will spread the messag ...
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Start date: Aug 4, 2012,

„Stir it up - Inter religious dialogue as a prerequisite for sustainable economic growth of societies“ is a seminar for youth leaders and youth workers and aims to promote tolerance and mutual understanding amongst youth of different communities and religions. As the title indicates, the project aims to shed light on the growing importance of dialogue and mutual understanding of persons living ...
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The aim of this project is to promote and further develop education about sustainable development with young people. Sustainable development, as a key idea around which environment and development are structured, is increasingly becoming an indistinguishable from the development of society. Through a mixture of formal and non-formal methodology, as well as focus on case studies – examples of good ...
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TC Safety Net 2

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

...ip abilities of the participants and to encourage self-initiative and entrepreneurship for the good of their communities. Furthermore,participants will work in teams and elaborate applications of new youth exchange projects. Detailed planning process of the project will help the participants to understand better non-formal learning and educational project management stages and process, as well as ...
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The general idea of the PBA ““East & West Building Projects for Rural Youth” (Armenia-Dilijan, 6-14 October 2012) is to give the opportunity for youth workers, project managers and youth leaders working with youth in rural areas (in Europe or Eastern Europe and Caucasus (EECA)) to meet, share experience and good practices of youth work in rural areas and develop common projects that provide suppor ...
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Our squares and streets are doubtless the most impulsive places, made for and of societies; institutional evidence and individual reflections are performed there, either in e.g. oversized advertisements, shop-windows, graffiti pieces and street art interventions. Based on the activities and outcomes gained during the project “EuFuTour – Reading Street messages as promotions of a common and intercu ...
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Europeans against discrimination!

Start date: Mar 1, 2012,

The project “Europeans against discrimination!” is a youth exchange about dealing with violence against marginalized groups. The youth exchange will gather 36 young people from different countries in order to give them possibility for them to discuss and enable them to fight against violence that is being used on marginalized groups such as LGBT, ethnic minorities (Roma, immigrants), disabled pers ...
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The "2nd International Youth Meeting: European Citizen - Where are you?" will bring together young people and people active in youth work from more than 20 different European countries (EU programme countries and neighbouring partner countries from SEE) in order to offer them a platform to discuss basic issues concerning participation and European citizenship, share experiences and additionally le ...
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Pop your learning

Start date: Mar 1, 2011,

" Pop your learning " met en lumière le besoin de coopération entre différents secteurs dans ledomaine de la jeunesse qui sont face à une problématique commune de développer des projetsd'éducation non formelle pour l'inclusion avec les jeunes avec moins d'opportunité. La thématiqueest centrée sur l'apprentissage de ces jeunes. Des partenaires de deux domaines sont enconséquence invités à cette act ...
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Training Course "European Dream"

Start date: Mar 1, 2011,

"European Dream" ¡s a training course for youth leaders to improve the quality of the projects of the youth in action programme they participate in and aims to improve the integration of young people with fewer opportunities such as minorities and their active participation in these projects and in public life. This 6 days training course will give the participants the possibility to improve their ...
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...ion for already many women and girts and therefore they end up as poorest of the poor.In order for changes to be made, this training course will give different tools, methods, skills and knowledge to youth workers and volunteers on how to multiply and raise the awareness for the importance of women's rights being at the forefront of the fight against poverty.The participants together with their or ...
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The project involves the planning and delivery of a European seminar for practitioners and academics working in the fields of youth, connecting nature and outdoor education with formal and non-formal education. The seminar aims to consider a diverse range of current European approaches to the understanding of young people's interaction with outdoor education and encourages cross cultural dialogue ...
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YE Specter of similarities

Start date: Dec 1, 2012,

...s for this situation like recent wars, history and many other things which are connected to cultural differences.During this YE we will use Indoor and Outdoor activities. During indoor activities youth will share experiences and feelings about various topics relevant to them. 1) Educational workshops on the topic -mutual cultural, ethnic, religious diversity -Creating a framework for sharing commo ...
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...ricted the opportunities for young people to get out into the natural world and enjoy it, this will be a chance for change, change ourselves for our health and our environment. This project will be a youth exchange held in Krusevo, Macedonia, between 19 and 26 July 2013, to be titled "We and the Nature... A never-ending story" and will be based around the theme of the promoting young people’s heal ...
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Start date: Mar 1, 2013,

Youth exchange “Reconciliator” is 8 days youth exchange in Serbia that will gather 36 young people from 6 different EU (Croatia, Turkey and Bulgaria) and SEE countries (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia) tackling reconciliation and dealing with the past in post conflict areas, such as ex-Yugoslavia, but also other regions in Europe. Dealing with a past and reconciliation process are bas ...
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Revive tradition with sport

Start date: Apr 1, 2013,

YE "Revive tradition with sport" will promote the value of sport as a tool for social inclusion and active participation. Taking into account the important values that traditional sports and games offer, through the educational, culture, communicative and health promoting role towards the overall development of the individual and one's community we will also tackle the topic of equality. This game ...
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On the Right Way

Start date: Sep 1, 2013,

Youth Exchange "On the Right Way" gathered 40 young people and group leaders from different organizations based in Programme Countries with the aim to tackle the issue of Youth Unemployment. Youth Exchange took place in Vilnius from 15th to 23rd of October 2013. Participants are from Lithuania, Turkey, Greece, Slovakia and Bulgaria. The main aim of the exchange was to tackle youth unemployment pro ...
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My life - My Story

Start date: Dec 1, 2013,

The Youth Exchange My life-My story is designed for multicultural learning through team-work. During the 10 days of the exchange, participants would have few practical lessons of creating and coining a short movie script, planning the scenes on paper, filming the designed scenes and the final editing of filmed material. However, that would only be the technical part of the youth exchange. The proj ...
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Become a Healthy EuChef

Start date: Dec 15, 2013,

...mania, Serbia and Turkey to learn about the benefits of carrying a healthy lifestyle, where you will learn more about nutritious food and become your own creative chef.During the 7 days spent in this Youth Exchange, the participants will be encouraged to take part in non-formal learning activities, and through them to learn and raise awareness about health and get to know more about the importance ...
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YE Soul Connection 2

Start date: Mar 1, 2014,

...a project dealing with dance choreography as a tool for expression of one’s opinion on a given matter. This is a follow up project from Soul Connection 1 that was great success. The aim of this youth exchange would be to draw a choreography picture about how young people see poverty and marginalized groups in their countries and how they see their inclusion in the mainstream society. Participants ...
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YE 8th Intelligences 2

Start date: Mar 1, 2014,

...c, logical and mathematical, intrapersonal, visual and spatial, linguistic, interpersonal, musical and naturalistic. Formal education tends to value mathematical and linguistic abilities. With 8-days youth exchange ''Eight Intelligences'' we wish to invite young people to explore their learning styles, their strengths, talents and their potential, raise their awareness of who they are and what the ...
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TC no lo sé, no me importa

Start date: Jun 1, 2013,

...o.The training course TC "I do not know, and I don't care" will take place in Madrid Spain, from 8 to 15 July. 2013. Participation in this project will take 34 youth workers from 14 countries. The host organization of this training course is an ADEFIS JUVENTUD INTERNACIONAL. It will take place in Las Rozas de Madrid (Spain)The main aim of the training course is to provide a chance to young leader ...
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