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European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2021,

The overarching goal of the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) is to generate knowledge to inform the safe management of chemicals and so protect human health. We will use human biomonitoring to understand human exposure to chemicals and resulting health impacts and will communicate with policy makers to ensure that our results are exploited in the design of new chemicals policies an ...
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Over 130,000 children born in Europe every year will have a congenital anomaly (CA; birth defect). These CAs, which are often rare diseases, are a major cause of infant mortality, childhood morbidity and long-term disability. EUROCAT is an established European network of population-based registries for the epidemiologic surveillance of CAs. EUROlinkCAT will use the EUROCAT infrastructure to suppor ...
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Chronic aortic aneurysms are permanent and localized dilations of the aorta that remain asymptomatic for long periods of time but continue to increase in diameter before they eventually rupture. Left untreated, the patients’ prognosis is dismal, since the internal bleeding of the rupture brings about sudden death. Although successful treatment cures the disease, the risky procedures can result in ...
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The RUGGEDISED project will create urban spaces powered by secure, affordable and clean energy, smart electro-mobility, smart tools and services. The overall aims are:1. Improving the quality of life of the citizens, by offering the citizens a clean, safe, attractive, inclusive and affordable living environment.2. Reducing the environmental impacts of activities, by achieving a significant reducti ...
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The SERP+ Master aims at training experts in the most advanced experimental and theoretical tools developed in chemistry, physical-chemistry and materials science, making them ready to develop innovative ideas and enterprises related to sustainable developments in Energy, Health and Environment. This course addresses an increasing demand for highly skilled scientists and engineers ready to enter t ...
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Chronic angina pectoris is a debilitating chronic disease, a subgroup of these patients suffers from refractory angina which unfortunately can’t be controlled by medical therapy (angioplasty or surgery). Refractory angina is a substantial burden on the individual and healthcare system, in Europe there are 100,000 new cases per year, annual mortality of these patients is relatively low (
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MEthane goes MObile - MEasurements and MOdelling (MEMO2)

Start date: Mar 1, 2017, End date: Feb 28, 2021,

Mitigation of climate change is a key scientific and societal challenge and also a headline target of the EU2020 strategy. Strong reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are necessary to reach the global warming target agreed on at the 2015 United Nations Convention of Parties in Paris. Such emission reductions can only be achieved if sources are properly quantified and mitigation efforts are verif ...
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Advanced Radio Astronomy in Europe (RadioNet)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

RadioNet is a consortium of 28 institutions in Europe, Republic of Korea and South Africa, integrating at European level world-class infrastructures for research in radio astronomy. These include radio telescopes, telescope arrays, data archives and the globally operating European Network for Very Long Baseline Interferometry (EVN). RadioNet is de facto widely regarded to represent the interests o ...
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Background Cities in the EU are extremely vulnerable to climate change. They are facing growing climate change impacts such as increased precipitation and extreme floods, more frequent and stronger storms, and periods of more extreme heat and cold. Climate change also negatively affects infrastructure, impedes access to basic urban services, and reduces q ...
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The proposed project “Readiness of ICOS for Necessities of integrated Global Observations” (RINGO) aims to further development of ICOS RI and ICOS ERIC and foster its sustainability. The challenges are to further develop the readiness of ICOS RI along five principal objectives: 1. Scientific readiness. To support the further consolidation of the observational networks and enhance their quality. Th ...
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Neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is a major cause of death or long-term disability in infants born at term in the western world, affecting about 1-4 per 1.000 life births and consequently about 5-20.000 infants per year in Europe.Hypothermic treatment became the only established therapy to improve outcome after perinatal hypoxic-ischemic insults. Despite hypothermia and neonatal inte ...
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Structurally weak rural regions are faced with major social and economic problems. In comparison to urban or intermediate regions, predominantly rural regions are economically less productive and they provide a less extensive scope of desired goods and services. As a consequence, the regions experience a loss of inhabitants, especially of young and highly skilled people. Thus, downward spirals are ...
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Zelcor project aims at demonstrating the feasibility of transforming lignocellulose biorefinery recalcitrant side streams into high added-value biobased products, including fine chemicals. Its concept is to combine chemical and enzymatic catalysis with insects-based biological conversion, within a biorefinery integrated approach. The project is conceived to avoid waste production by recycling wast ...
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The objective of the proposal is to train 8 early stage researches (ESR) in an innovative, international PhD program, to become top-class specialists and professional leaders, highly demanded in the job market, ready to introduce innovations and manage advanced research. The completion of the training programme will provide ESRs with appropriate knowledge, skills and awareness of the science-busin ...
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SALSA will assess the role of small farms and small food businesses in delivering a sustainable and secure supply of affordable, nutritious and culturally adequate food. SALSA will identify the mechanisms which, at different scales, can strengthen the role of small farms in food systems and thereby support sustainable food and nutrition security (FNS). By considering a gradient of 30 reference reg ...
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European aquaculture production provides direct employment to 80,000 people and a 3-billion € annual turnover. Parasites cause severe disease outbreaks and high economic losses in finfish aquaculture. The overarching goal of ParaFishControl is to increase the sustainability and competitiveness of European Aquaculture by improving understanding of fish-parasite interactions and by developing innova ...
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Climate change and European aquatic RESources (CERES)

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Feb 29, 2020,

CERES advances a cause-and-effect understanding of how future climate change will influence Europe’s most important fish and shellfish populations, their habitats, and the economic activities dependent on these species. CERES will involve and closely cooperate with industry and policy stakeholders to define policy, environment, social, technological, law and environmental climate change scenarios ...
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Multi-drug resistant Gram-negative bacteria (MDR-GNB): the ultimate challenge!Antibiotic resistance is a global public health concern recently elevated to the top three threats identified by the WHO, and subject of numerous national and international government activities. Although focused strategies have beneficially influenced infection rates due to methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (M ...
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Generations and Gender Programme: Evaluate, Plan, Initiate (GGP-EPI)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

The Generations and Gender Programme (GGP) provides high quality cross-national, longitudinal data for the study of population change. The data provided by the GGP have been used by more than 3,000 researchers worldwide and have led to over 500 peer-reviewed journal articles. The data have provided insights into some of the most pressing societal challenges such as care for older persons, female e ...
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Background A range of peat bog habitat types in two Natura 2000 network sites in the Lubelskie and Podkarpackie provinces of eastern Poland – Lasy Janowskie and Uroczyska Lasów Janowskich – require protection under the Habitats Directive. These habitats and the species they contain are under threat as a result of the expansion of invasive trees and s ...
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Background Fish are unusually active animals, changing their habitats over the seasons of the year with the aim of reaching particular stages of their lifecycle. They reproduce in one place, their fry and young feed elsewhere and adult fish prefer other sites as their feeding grounds. The same applies to winter habitats of particular fish generations. Wit ...
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Reintroduction of burning in Boreal western taiga woodlands (LifeTaiga)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

Background Controlled burning can support the conservation of many sites of priority habitat type 9010 (*Western Taïga) and, to some extent, habitat 9060 (Coniferous forests on, or connected to, glaciofluvial eskers) Up until 150 years ago, 1% of the wooded area burned annually. Today less than 0.016% burns annually. The reduction in the frequency of fir ...
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Background The rivers Drawa, Grabowa and Radew are among the most important places in West Pomerania for water crowfoot (Ranunculus aquatilis), an aquatic plant at the eastern periphery of its range. It is a defining vegetation of the Natura 2000 network habitat type ‘water courses of plain to montane levels with the Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitric ...
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The SoundCity Project MONICA aims to provide a very large scale demonstration of multiple existing and new Internet of Things technologies for Smarter Living. The solution will be deployed in 6 major cities in Europe.MONICA demonstrates a large scale IoT ecosystem that uses innovative wearable and portable IoT sensors and actuators with closed-loop back-end services integrated into an interoperab ...
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Stem Cell therapy in IschEmic Non-treatable Cardiac diseasE (SCIENCE)With more than 17 million deaths worldwide each year, ischemic heart disease (IHD) caused by coronary artery disease is the most common cause of death and a major cause of hospital admissions in industrialised countries. IHD caused over four million deaths in Europe in the year 2012 constituting 47% of all deaths. Today IHD is th ...
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The typical lifetime of an industrial process plant is between 30 and 50 years. Technologies to enhance the operation and optimization of process plants can both guide the development of new state-of-the-art process plants and, perhaps more pertinently, can ensure that the large installed base of existing plants operates efficiently. The PRONTO Consortium partners are strongly convinced that for E ...
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Improving Diagnosis by Fast Field-Cycling MRI (IDentIFY)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

Many diseases are inadequately diagnosed, or not diagnosed early enough by current imaging methods. Examples of unmet clinical needs arise in thromboembolic disease, osteoarthritis, cancer, sarcopenia, and many more areas. Our solution, Fast Field-Cycling (FFC) MRI, can measure quantitative information that is invisible to standard MRI. FFC scanners switch magnetic field while scanning the patient ...
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Grasslands are vitally important for European agriculture. The 20 partners of Inno4Grass gather farmers’ organisations, extension services, education and research in eight countries (Germany, Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland & Sweden) where grasslands contribute a major share of the agricultural area. The overall objective of the project is to bridge the gap between practic ...
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Narrative Modes of Historical Discourse in Asia (NAMO)

Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2019,

Modern historiography produced in Asia belongs to the history-paradigm of the European humanities and it is from within these epistemological confines that Western as well as Eastern scholars of Asian studies view the Asian writing of the past. While source criticism and historicism have today become key parts of historical consciousness in Asia, Asian historical representations are nonetheless fi ...
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My Health - My Data (MH-MD)

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2019,

Issues of data subjects’ privacy and data security represent a crucial challenge in the biomedical sector more than in other industries. The current IT landscape in this field shows a myriad of isolated, locally hosted patient data repositories, managed by clinical centres and other organisations, which are subject to frequent and massive data breaches. Patients are disenfranchised in this process ...
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Hearing Loss (HL) is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases and the 5th cause of disability. HL increases the risk of cognitive decline, mental illness, and depression, and leads to social isolation, unemployment/early retirement, loss of income and work discrimination. The pre-eminent management strategy for HL is the provision of Hearing Aids (HAs), although their use is often problematic, c ...
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ELA starts from the idea of inclusive education and equity of access and equality of educational opportunity. Teacher training in countries in transition do not equip their students with knowledge about law. ELA’s underlining assumption is that enhancing equality in education requires a collaboration between educators and lawyers to promote rights based teaching, learning, school leadership and go ...
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EPOS Implementation Phase (EPOS IP)

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2019,

The nations of Europe are distributed around some of the most complex and dynamic geological systems on the planet and understanding these is essential to the security of livelihoods and economic power of Europeans. Many of the solutions to the grand challenges in the geosciences have been led by European scientists – the understanding of stratigraphy (the timing and distribution of layers of sedi ...
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Advanced BiomEdical OPTICAL Imaging and Data Analysis (BE-OPTICAL)

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2019,

Biomedical imaging is a research field that is producing ground breaking scientific discoveries that enhance the health and life quality of European citizens and have a huge economic impact. In order to maintain Europe’s leading position in the field, it is crucial to invest in the people who will lead R&D, and to promote the academic-private sector partnerships that will transfer the novel techno ...
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Centre of Excellence at Warsaw School of Economics will be the first such initiative on still underdeveloped at WSE interdisciplinary areas of teaching, research and outreach activities on the external dimension of EU. It will be a new • innovative interdisciplinary(cross-cutting) research centre • innovative interdisciplinary teaching centre in terms of teaching activities• innovative interdisci ...
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National Public Administration and European Integration

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

The proposed format of Jean Monnet Modules involves the organization of courses and seminars under the module title: ”National Public Administration and European Integration”. The development of three dimension activities is undertaken aiming towards constituting didactic, practical and research platform to disseminate the knowledge about the characteristics of the European Administrative Space. T ...
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The main theme of the Partnership is to promote a deeper understanding of the physical environment in which pupils live. This theme is predicated on the notions, firstly, that an awareness of issues relating to sustainability, conservation, ecology, global warming and renewable resources should be developed at an early age and secondly that such an awareness produces practical implications and out ...
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Systemic University Change Towards Internationalization

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

SUCTI (Systemic University Change Towards Internationalization) is the internationalisation at home response for administrative staff. While most internationalisation efforts have targeted students and professors, the SUCTI project aims at empowering the backbone of universities: its administrative staff. This sector of our institutions, if convinced of the importance and added value of internatio ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

The guidEU project responds to the Europe 2020 priorities in the area of education and training, youth and early school leaving in the context of globalization, free cross-border movement of workers and labour market integration. Project's main aim is to prevent dropping out of school and disengagement from the labour market through provision of personalised, high-quality career guidance system an ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

On March 12th, 2012 during official parliamentary session, the President of EU Parliament, Mr. M. Schulz, officially announced that the Written Declaration 50/2011 about “Chess in School” was endorsed by the EU Parliament. The Declaration calls on the Commission and Council: - To encourage the introduction of the program “Chess in School” in the educational system of the Member States; - To pay, i ...
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