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Introducing modules on law and rights in programmes of teacher training and educational sciences: a contribution to building rights-based education systems in countries in transition
Start date: Oct 15, 2016, End date: Oct 14, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ELA starts from the idea of inclusive education and equity of access and equality of educational opportunity. Teacher training in countries in transition do not equip their students with knowledge about law. ELA’s underlining assumption is that enhancing equality in education requires a collaboration between educators and lawyers to promote rights based teaching, learning, school leadership and governance. Such a meaningful interdisciplinary collaboration requires lawyers to share legal knowledge and educators to show interest in legal matters. ELA's overarching goals are: - to support the partners to respond to the challenges to establish rights based education systems;- to prepare their teachers and school principals to act in accordance with the law and advice on legal matters pertaining to their and their students conditions while at school. ELA's activities will: - develop methodologies on how lawyers could communicate law and legal information to educators and on how to prepare teachers and school principals to act in accordance with the law;- enhance multi- and interdisciplinarity for effective collaboration between educators and lawyers; - redesign teacher training and educational sciences programs to include 14 modules that transfer a basic knowledge of (education) law and rights in education to the students in teacher education in English, Albanian, Belarussian and Russian;- develop online open learning (for students) and teaching (for staff) tools on education law and rights in education in English, Albanian, Belarussian and Russian; - develop online ICT-based testing of the 14 modules on law; - improve the professional level of staff in the partner countries;- disseminate information about the project through an e-newsletter;- disseminate the outputs to stakeholders in education in (inter-)national summer schools, workshops, conferences, forums.The consortium unites 4 units from 3 Member States and 9 units from 3 Mundus regions.
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11 Partners Participants