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Adaptation to climate change through sustainable management of water of the urban area in Radom City (LIFERADOMKLIMA-PL)
Start date: Jul 16, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2020 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background Cities in the EU are extremely vulnerable to climate change. They are facing growing climate change impacts such as increased precipitation and extreme floods, more frequent and stronger storms, and periods of more extreme heat and cold. Climate change also negatively affects infrastructure, impedes access to basic urban services, and reduces quality of life in cities. Despite these risks, many cities in Poland have yet to address climate change. The reasons include insufficient understanding of climate change issues, urban planning not being adjusted to climate change risks, a slow response to climate disasters, and limited public awareness of climate variability and climate change-induced hazard mitigation. However, local authorities have the potential to protect cities from negative climate change impacts (particularly related to water management) and at the same time protect local habitats - in line with the EU Adaptation Strategy. Objectives LIFERADOKLIMA PL’s overall objective is to make the city of Radom more resilient to climate change by building demonstration ‘green/blue infrastructure’ for managing extreme storm water flows and controlling local flood risks. The aim is to mitigate extreme flows of water coming from outside the city and increase storm water retention by restoring and creating multi-use retention areas (while creating habitats for biodiversity), and by re-naturalising the river to restore its natural retention capacity. Specific objectives for the inner city are to: Demonstrate new ways to mitigate extreme runoffs on sealed surfaces in the inner city to minimise local flooding, extreme overflow to drainage system and inflow to natural habitats of the city river; Integrate and enhance biodiversity in all project actions, particularly restoration of habitats in urban water bodies and creation of micro-habitats in the climate adaptation infrastructure in the city; Mainstream climate adaptation into city planning and increase knowledge on the subject for informed decision-making at local level through the establishment, operation and assistance of two working groups with broad stakeholder participation throughout the project implementation; Raise awareness of and build capacity for climate adaptation through building urban green/blue infrastructure to promote understanding of the impacts of climate change on economic, social, and environmental conditions as well as health in the city, and to communicate the importance of cost-effective adaption options; and Exchange experience in climate change adaptation through building urban green/blue infrastructure and territorial multi-level adaptation approach. Outputs such as vulnerability assessment, comprehensive approach to multi-level territorial rainwater management, GIS tools, and demonstration green/blue infrastructure will be shared with other interested parties. Expected results: A climate change vulnerability assessment for the city of Radom; Increasing self-purification capacity of sedimentation ponds by 20%; Increasing retention capacity of sedimentation ponds by 10%; Increasing Borki reservoir retention capacity by 10%; Mitigating extreme flows in the Mleczna River; Creating water retention capacity in a multi-use retention area at Potok Północny; Restoring 400-600 m of the Mleczna River; Sealing storm water channel, reducing iron content in water and redirecting water upstream of Borki reservoir; Improving inflow water quality by 60% with the help of a sequential sedimentation/bio-filtration system; Developing and installing green/blue infrastructure, including clima-ponds, swales, tree-trench systems, green roofs, and permeable surfaces; Integration of biodiversity in the rainwater management system in Radom and creation of habitats for biological diversity within the city; and Developing education actions, compiling information material and a comprehensive best practice guide on adaptation through rainwater management in cities, disseminated through a RadomKlima portal as an internet tool for climate change adaptation.
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