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35 European Projects Found

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PA Transport of the EUSBSR calls for coordination of national transport policies and actions to ensure a harmonised transnational development of the transport system. The ensured thematic focus and established links between the above initiatives helped achieve certain stage of coordination and complementarity. However, fuller integration of the approaches, which would enable better development and ...
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ESPON Evidence in a North European Context (ENECON)

Start date: Jan 31, 2012, End date: Mar 30, 2014,

... Achievements: Reports:Final Report - Main Report PDF Final Report - Aalborg Report PDF Final Report - Stockholm Report PDF Final Report - Vilnius Report PDF Draft Final Report PDF
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Improving Road Infrastructure Safety in the Baltic Sea Region (BALTRIS)

Start date: Jun 10, 2010, End date: Sep 9, 2013,

...3rd of February, 2012. Topic of the training was Road Safety Audit and Road Safety Inspection. 25 participants from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania participated in the training. Second session - Vilnius, Lithuania on 12-16 March, 2012. Topic of the training was Road Safety Impact Assessment and Network Safety Management. Training has been attended by 21 participant from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, ...
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Rail Baltica Growth Corridor (RBGC)

Start date: Jun 10, 2010, End date: Sep 9, 2013,

The RBGC is led by the City of Helsinki and coordinated by the Aalto University Small Business Center. The project has in total of 21 partners from 6 BSR countries. Target groups of the RBGC are City and regional authorities, Transport service providers, Logistics centers, Intermodal terminals, Public transport authorities, Universities and other research centers. RBGC's partner composition is bas ...
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The ESPONTrain Project is aiming at making ESPON2013 knowledge operational in a coordinated and transnational way for practical use at regional and local level, and translating ESPON Europe-wide information and findings to the regional/local level. Specifically, the project is aiming at: •Stimulating a transnational educational and training ESPON activity facilitated by both an e-learning procedur ...
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SMEs represent 99% of all enterprises in BSR and provide up to 70% of all jobs, being an important economic but also socio-cultural factor. SMEs present the biggest potential for job creation also in future. QUICK aims at unleashing this potential to its full extent by addressing the following challenges undermining the competitiveness of the BSR SMEs:- limited benefit from innovation processes an ...
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The pollution control of the environment is a transnational request of all countries and a strategic aim of the European Union. This is also reflected in the increasing tightening of the exhaust emission standards particularly in the Baltic Sea Region countries. Causes by the constantly rising of the industrialisation the environmental impact also raises by exhaust air, exhaust gases and waste wat ...
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TransBaltic was a strategic BSR-wide project carried out by regional authorities, transport and logistics-related research institutions, transport operators, logistics associations and pan-Baltic networks. The partnership of 20 organisations was backed up by further 31 entities, including several national transport ministries around the Baltic Sea.TransBaltic addressed two issues of common concern ...
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...rail, inland waterways and road complement each other to enable the choice of environmentally friendly transport. The Corridor stretches from Esbjerg, Denmark and Sassnitz, Germany in the west to Vilnius, Lithuania in the east. The eastern part of the corridor is a gateway to and from the Baltic Sea Region connecting it with Russia, Kazakhstan and China to the east and Belarus, Ukraine and Turkey ...
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Longlife will develop practices, innovative technologies, unified procedures and guidelines for and subsequently the design of a prototype of a sustainable, energy efficient and resource saving residential building in the Baltic Sea Region. The above mentioned knowledge will be transferred, according to Gothenburg, between Denmark, Germany, Lithuania, Poland and Russia and can and should be applie ...
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...s that should be renewable. Relatively big share of energy in Latvia and Lithuania is supplied by hydroelectric power stations; meanwhile solar energy is produced in very small amounts. Together with Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, the non-governmental organization Solar Energy Think Tank is conducting the project with an ultimate goal to promote solar energy use in public sector and house ...
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LogOn Baltic improved spatial integration by transferring knowledge in ICT and logistics competence. The main objective is to produce and disseminate information for regional development agencies on how to support enterprises in the participating regions in their effort to improve ICT and logistics competence, thus improving regional development.Objectives of the project: identifying development a ...
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The InterBaltic project is initiated by the CPMR Baltic Sea Commission and seconded by the Baltic Development Forum, based on the assumption that there will be a considerable increase in transportation and logistics within, to and from, and through the Baltic Sea region. This situation will affect political decisions, business development and living conditions in general.The main objective of this ...
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Satellite-based navigation and positioning systems like GPS are becoming an ever more important part of our daily lives, which does not only apply to driving. Such systems and their applications also promise to play a significant role in various aspects of regional planning. For instance, geoinformation data can inform regional policy decisions in fields such as the environment (e.g. through emiss ...
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East-West Transnational Transport Corridor in the S-BSR (EAST-WEST)

Start date: Dec 31, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007, direction is increasing dramatically. The need to develop sustainable transport in the east-west direction is therefore of outmost importance. The “East-West transport Corridor (EWTC)” between Vilnius and Esbjerg via the Öresund region, includes several TEN-T ports, road and railways links, parts of the Nordic triangle and Corridor IX B/D in Lithuania /Kaliningrad. The EWTC has a strong and gro ...
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moting Spatial Development by Creating COMon MINdscapes (COMMIN)

Start date: Aug 31, 2004, End date: Aug 30, 2007,

Transnational and cross-border co-operation have a growing need (e.g. EU-enlargement) for a precise understanding of the partner’s concepts and the planning systems they are embedded in. The improvement of solving similar problems in different BSR countries and on transnational activities can best be achieved by exchange of experiences and ideas, mutual training and further education as well as pr ...
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Integrating Logistics Centre Networks in the Baltic Sea Region (InLoC)

Start date: Jul 31, 2004, End date: Mar 30, 2007,

As a follow up of the project NeLoC projecz InLoc aimed at further improvement of the networking between logistics centres, ports and other logistics operators in the Baltic Sea Region. The project also analysed spatial and environmental consequences of logistics centres and aimed at removing bottlenecks in port-hinterland connections. Furthermore, the project tried to improve the compatibility of ...
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Network for Future Regional Health Care (Future Health)

Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2006,

The main objective of this cooperation is to create an effective platform for sharing cross-professional experience on developmental health care issues amongst the participating EU countries. This platform will develop new approaches for resolving health care management problems for the participating organisations. The objective will be pursued by analysing existing treatment processes, developing ...
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INland TRAnsports on SEA routes (INTRASEA)

Start date: Jun 30, 2003, End date: Feb 1, 2006,

The waterborne transport to inland markets and the usage of the Inland Waterways has a substantial potential in the Baltic Sea Region. The volume of goods transport in the Baltic Sea Region and on inland waterways is constantly growing. Further to the growing transport volumes, the inland and short-sea shipping benefit the advantage to transport cargo in an environmentally friendly way. One of the ...
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The goal of the project was to find good practices for integrating urban heritage values in development processes of local communities. Project activities focused on methods to identify, analyse, evaluate and manage local historic characteristics in a sustainable way. Furthermore, the project aimed at strengthening national, regional and local efforts to enhance urban heritage as a local resource ...
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Medium Sized Cities in Dialogue around the Baltic Sea (MECIBS )

Start date: Jun 23, 2002, End date: Sep 22, 2005,

The project objective was to foster balanced spatial development by sustaining the development of medium-sized cities. Within this objective the project aimed at exploration of urban restructuring processes, formulation of recommendation for interlinking of local and national strategies and for economic, environmental and social development of the medium sized cities. This work was to be achieved ...
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Networking Logistics Centres in the Baltic Sea Region (NeLoC )

Start date: Dec 17, 2001, End date: Feb 16, 2004,

The NeLoC project provided a networking forum for existing and planned logistics centres in the Baltic Sea Region and it has enabled the exchange of experiences in planning and operating logistics centres.The project promoted the role of logistics centres in regional development as well as national and international logistics chains with emphasis laid on intermodal solutions. Further, the project ...
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Many European countries are struggling with the challenges of linking geospatial vocational education and training (VET) to labour market needs. There is a growing demand in the EU labour market for an adequate number of well-trained VET students in fields of land surveying, mapping data collection, storage processing, delivering, and turning data into information. In order to tackle these issues, ...
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The project aims to develop the professional skills of managers and engineers from the construction industry, in addition to public authority employees, with regard to the award and management of construction contracts that are, increasingly, international in nature. The project will offer courses in the effective management of large international construction projects. The project will begin by g ...
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Standard assessments in language teaching : The project will create a framework to guide language teachers in teaching and assessing their students. It should raise standards of teaching and the uniform assessment criteria will promote mobility amongst students and employees. This project started in 2002 and lasted 24 months.
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Recently, Awareness Creation in terms of IT security has become a big thing – not only for enterprises. Campaigns for students try to highlight the importance of IT security even in the user’s early years. Common practices in security education – as seen in computer science courses at universities – mainly consist of literature and lecturing. In the best case, the teaching facility offers practica ...
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Using the successful model of airline alliances, the EU/Korea Leadership Alliance (EUKLA) will establish a frameworkwithin which international activities between the EU and Korea will be promoted, recorded, recognized, and rewarded.With involvement from key industries with vested links in the EU and Korea, EUKLA will establish clear point-basedpathways to engage engineering and business students i ...
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The CPD-LA project was tackling the problem of a missing systematic, contemporary and continuous programme for professional development of the professionals in Landscape Architecture (LA) in Lithuania and Latvia. Besides fragmented higher education programmes in landscape architecture, no VET courses were offered for LA professionals in the Baltic States. University‘s department of Urban design (L ...
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The debate on climate change and global warming has been taking place around the world. There Is now, however, a clear realization of the seriousness of climate change and an agreement that climate change must be dealt with. The debate revolves to a great extent around whether climate change has natural or human-made causes, and around the scale and nature of the consequences of climate change. Th ...
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The general objective of the project is to develop and establish new high-quality interdisciplinary curriculums for the support of the automotive industry in Serbia (as the largest exporter in the country) and urban area development (to contribute to the quality of public services as well as the quality of life in urban settlements). Its objective is to increase the quality and potential of the la ...
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Wider Objective: To upgrade the curricula on built environment in the universities of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine accorting to Bologna practices in order to increase their capacity to continually modernise, enhance the quality and relevance of education of the building and civil engineering students to the labour market needs and to ensure international cooperation.Specific objectives of the proje ...
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The objective of the project is to ensure sustainable development of Russian higher education through quality assurance structure for degree programmes in line with Bologna and EU 2020 strategic objectives.Specific objectives of the project are:1. To develop countrywide procedure for HE degree programme accreditation harmonized with ENQA 2. To establish independent Programme accreditation entit ...
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This project aims to develop geodesy education in Kosovo in order to support land reform, agricultural development, forestry management, urban and rural planning, and environmental protection.The specific objectives of the project are to create a new master program in geodesy at University of Pristina before Autumn 2015, establish a new geodesy laboratory at University of Pristina, provide re-trai ...
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